Discussion Sword and Shield Partial Set List

N's Rhyperior

Aspiring Trainer
Seems too early, right?
  1. Celebi V
  2. Roselia
  3. Roselia
  4. Roserade
  5. Cottonee
  6. Whimsicott
  7. Maractus
  8. Durant
  9. Dhelmise V
  10. Grookey
  11. Grookey
  12. Thwackey
  13. Thwackey
  14. Rillaboom
  15. Rillaboom
  16. Blitbug
  17. Blitbug
  18. Dottler
  19. Orbeetle
  20. Gossifleur
  21. Eldegoss
  22. Vulpix
  23. Ninetales
  24. Torkoal V
  25. Victini V
  26. Heatmor
  27. Salandit
  28. Salazzle
  29. Turtonator
  30. Scorbunny
  31. Scorbunny
  32. Raboot
  33. Raboot
  34. Cinderace
  35. Cinderace
  36. Cinderace?
  37. Sizzlipede
  38. Sizzlipede
  39. Centiskorch
  40. Shellder
  41. Cloyster
  42. Krabby
  43. Krabby
  44. Kingler
  45. Goldeen
  46. Goldeen
  47. Seaking
  48. Lapras
  49. Lapras V
  50. Lapras VMAX
  51. Qwlfish
  52. Mantine
  53. Keldeo V
  54. Sobble
  55. Sobble
  56. Drizzile
  57. Drizzile
  58. Inteleon
  59. Inteleon
  60. Chewtle
  61. Drednaw
  62. Cramorant
  63. Snom
  64. Frosmoth
  65. Pikachu
  66. Raichu
  67. Chinchou
  68. Chinchou
  69. Lanturm
  70. Joltik
  71. Galvantula
  72. Tapu Koko V
  73. Yamper
  74. Yamper
  75. Boltund
  76. Boltund
  77. Pinchurchin
  78. Morpeko
  79. Morpeko V
  80. Morpeko VMAX
  81. Galarian Ponyta
  82. Galarian Rapidash
  83. Gastly
  84. Haunter
  85. Gengar
  86. Wobbufet V
  87. Munna
  88. Musharna
  89. Sinistea
  90. Polteageist
  91. Indeedee V
  92. Diglett
  93. Dugtrio
  94. Hitmonlee
  95. Hitmonchan
  96. Rhyhorn
  97. Rhyhorn
  98. Rhydon
  99. Rhyperior
  100. Sudowoodo
  101. Baltoy
  102. Baltoy
  103. Claydol
  104. Regirock V
  105. Mudbray
  106. Mudsdale
  107. Silicobra
  108. Silicobra
  109. Sandaconda
  110. Sandaconda
  111. Clobbopus
  112. Clobbopus
  113. Grapploct
  114. Stonjourner
  115. Stonjourner V
  116. Stonjourner VMAX
  117. Galarian Zigzagoon
  118. Galarian Linoone
  119. (Galarian) Obstagoon
  120. Sableye V
  121. Skorupi
  122. Drapion
  123. Croagunk
  124. Toxicroak
  125. Nickit
  126. Thievul
  127. Galarian Meowth
  128. (Galarian) Perrserker
  129. Mawile
  130. Ferroseed
  131. Ferrothorn
  132. Galarian Stunfisk
  133. Pawniard
  134. Bisharp
  135. Corviknight
  136. Cufant
  137. Copperajah
  138. Zacian V
  139. Zamazenta V
  140. Snorlax
  141. Snorlax V
  142. Snorlax VMAX
  143. Hoothoot
  144. Noctowl
  145. Minccino
  146. Minccino
  147. Cinccino
  148. Oranguru
  149. Drampa
  150. Rookidee
  151. Corvisquire
  152. Wooloo
  153. Wooloo
  154. Dubwool
  155. Cramorant V
  156. Air Balloon
  157. Bede
  158. Crushing Hammer
  159. Energy Retrieval
  160. Energy Search
  161. Energy Switch
  162. Evolution Incense
  163. Fishing Rod
  164. Giant Charm
  165. Great Ball
  166. Hop
  167. Hyper Potion
  168. Lucky Egg
  169. Lum Berry
  170. Marnie
  171. Metal Patch
  172. Pal Pad
  173. Poké Kid
  174. Pokegear 3.0
  175. Pokemon Catcher
  176. Pokemon Center Lady
  177. Potion
  178. Professor's Research (Professor Magnolia)
  179. Quick Ball
  180. Rare Candy
  181. Rotom Bike
  182. Sitrus Berry
  183. Switch
  184. Team Yell Grunt
  185. Vital Band
  186. Aurora Energy
  187. Dhelmise V
  188. Torkoal V
  189. Lapras V
  190. Morpeko V
  191. Wobbufet V
  192. Indeedee V
  193. Stonjourner V
  194. Sableye V
  195. Zacian V
  196. Zamazenta V
  197. Snorlax V
  198. Cramorant V
  199. Bede
  200. Marnie
  201. Professor's Research (Professor Magnolia)
  202. Team Yell Grunt
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It's just right lol.

It will fill itself in a few weeks, give or take. They need to get people hyped for TCG since it actually gives them far more money, so expect early card reveals and leaks. .
It's a bit early. The first Japanese TCG SwSh releases are still almost three months away and Japan's side still has any new content in Tag All-Stars to reveal first...
Seems more likely that the first Galar Rapidash would be Psychic since the pre-evolution is as well. I expect Hatterene to follow suit, at least for their first prints.
Has this ever happened? Does seem unfortunate and odd there wouldn't be at least a couple of fairy and dragon pokemon in the first set, especially as it's so big. Galarian Rapidash also?
It kinda has happened. Prior to BW Pokemon were sorted alphabetically, while it’s now by type and dex number
It's that time again :D

  1. Celebi-V
  2. Roselia
  3. Roselia
  4. Roserade
  5. Cottonee
  6. Whimsicott
  7. Maractus
  8. Durant
  9. Dhelmise-V
  10. Grookey
  11. Grookey
  12. Thwackey
  13. Thwackey
  14. Rillaboom
  15. Rillaboom
  16. Blipbug
  17. Blipbug
  18. Dottler
  19. Orbeetle
  20. Gossifleur
  21. Eldegoss
  22. Vulpix
  23. Ninetales
  24. Torkoal-V
  25. Victini-V
  26. Heatmor
  27. Salandit
  28. Salazzle
  29. Turtonator
  30. Scorbunny
  31. Scorbunny
  32. Raboot
  33. Raboot
  34. Cinderace
  35. Cinderace (V Starter Set)
  36. Cinderace (Gym-Promo; confirmed in theme deck)
  37. Sizzlipede
  38. Sizzlipede
  39. Centiskorch
  40. Shellder
  41. Cloyster
  42. Krabby
  43. Krabby
  44. Kingler
  45. Goldeen
  46. Goldeen
  47. Seaking
  48. Lapras
  49. Lapras-V
  50. Lapras-VMAX
  51. Qwilfish
  52. Mantine
  53. Keldeo-V
  54. Sobble
  55. Sobble
  56. Drizzile
  57. Drizzile
  58. Inteleon
  59. Inteleon
  60. Chewtle
  61. Drednaw
  62. Cramorant
  63. Snom
  64. Frosmoth
  65. Pikachu
  66. Raichu
  67. Chinchou
  68. Chinchou
  69. Lanturn
  70. Joltik
  71. Galvantula
  72. Tapu Koko-V
  73. Yamper
  74. Yamper
  75. Bolthund
  76. Bolthund
  77. Pincurchin
  78. Morpeko
  79. Morpeko-V
  80. Morpeko-VMAX
  81. Galarian Ponyta
  82. Galarian Rapidash
  83. Gastly
  84. Haunter
  85. Gengar
  86. Wobbuffet-V
  87. Munna
  88. Musharna
  89. Sinistea
  90. Polteageist
  91. Indeedee-V
  92. Diglett
  93. Dugtrio
  94. Hitmonlee
  95. Hitmonchan
  96. Rhyhorn
  97. Rhyhorn
  98. Rhydon
  99. Rhyperior
  100. Sudowoodo
  101. Baltoy
  102. Baltoy
  103. Claydol
  104. Regirock-V
  105. Mudbray
  106. Mudsdale
  107. Silicobra
  108. Silicobra
  109. Sandaconda
  110. Sandaconda
  111. Clobbopus
  112. Clobbopus
  113. Grapploct
  114. Stonjourner
  115. Stonjourner-V
  116. Stonjourner-VMAX
  117. Galarian Zigzagoon
  118. Galarian Linoone
  119. Galarian Obstagoon
  120. Sableye-V
  121. Skorupi
  122. Drapion
  123. Croagunk
  124. Toxicroak
  125. Nickit
  126. Thievul
  127. Galarian Meowth
  128. Galarian Perrserker
  129. Mawile
  130. Ferroseed
  131. Ferrothorn
  132. Galarian Stunfisk
  133. Pawniard
  134. Bisharp
  135. Corviknight
  136. Cufant
  137. Copperajah
  138. Zacian-V
  139. Zamazenta-V
  140. Snorlax
  141. Snorlax-V
  142. Snorlax-VMAX
  143. Hoothoot
  144. Noctowl
  145. Minccino
  146. Minccino
  147. Cinccino
  148. Oranguru
  149. Drampa
  150. Rookidee
  151. Corvisquire
  152. Wooloo
  153. Wooloo
  154. Dubwool
  155. Cramorant-V
  156. Air Balloon
  157. Bede
  158. Crushing Hammer
  159. Energy Retrieval
  160. Energy Search
  161. Energy Switch
  162. Evolution Incense
  163. Fine Band
  164. Fishing Rod
  165. Giant Charm
  166. Great Ball
  167. Hop
  168. Hyper Potion
  169. Lucky Egg
  170. Lum Berry
  171. Marnie
  172. Metal Saucer
  173. Pal Pad
  174. Poke Kid
  175. Pokegear 3.0
  176. Pokemon Catcher
  177. Pokemon Center Lady
  178. Potion
  179. Professor's Research
  180. Quick Ball
  181. Rare Candy
  182. Rotom Bike
  183. Sitrus Berry
  184. Switch
  185. Team Yell Grunt
  186. Aurora Energy
  187. Dhelmise-V (FA)
  188. Torkoal-V (FA)
  189. Lapras-V (FA)
  190. Morpeko-V (FA)
  191. Wobbuffet-V (FA)
  192. Indeedee-V (FA)
  193. Stonjourner-V (FA)
  194. Sableye-V (FA)
  195. Zacian-V (FA)
  196. Zamazenta-V (FA)
  197. Snorlax-V (FA)
  198. Cramorant-V (FA)
  199. Bede (FA)
  200. Marnie (FA)
  201. Professor's Research (FA)
  202. Team Yell Grunt (FA) (Last card in set)
  203. Lapras-VMAX (RR)
  204. Morpeko-VMAX (RR)
  205. Stonjourner-VMAX (RR)
  206. Snorlax-VMAX (RR)
  207. Bede (RR)
  208. Marnie (RR)
  209. Professor's Research (RR)
  210. Team Yell Grunt (RR)
  211. Zacian-V (SR)
  212. Zamazenta-V (SR)
  213. Air Balloon (SR)
  214. Fishing Rod (SR)
  215. Metal Saucer (SR)
  216. Quick Ball (SR)

Interesting that we initially thought VMAX Rising would factor into our SwSh base set as well, but this looks reasonably complete to me

EDIT 1: SRs added!
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It's that time again :D

  1. Celebi-V
  2. Roselia
  3. Roselia
  4. Roserade
  5. Cottonee
  6. Whimsicott
  7. Maractus
  8. Durant
  9. Dhelmise-V
  10. Grookey
  11. Grookey
  12. Thwackey
  13. Thwackey
  14. Rillaboom
  15. Rillaboom
  16. Blipbug
  17. Blipbug
  18. Dottler
  19. Orbeetle
  20. Gossifleur
  21. Eldegoss
  22. Vulpix
  23. Ninetales
  24. Torkoal-V
  25. Victini-V
  26. Heatmor
  27. Salandit
  28. Salazzle
  29. Turtonator
  30. Scorbunny
  31. Scorbunny
  32. Raboot
  33. Raboot
  34. Cinderace
  35. Cinderace (V Starter Set)
  36. Cinderace (Gym-Promo; confirmed in theme deck)
  37. Sizzlipede
  38. Sizzlipede
  39. Centiskorch
  40. Shellder
  41. Cloyster
  42. Krabby
  43. Krabby
  44. Kingler
  45. Goldeen
  46. Goldeen
  47. Seaking
  48. Lapras
  49. Lapras-V
  50. Lapras-VMAX
  51. Qwilfish
  52. Mantine
  53. Keldeo-V
  54. Sobble
  55. Sobble
  56. Drizzile
  57. Drizzile
  58. Inteleon
  59. Inteleon
  60. Chewtle
  61. Drednaw
  62. Cramorant
  63. Snom
  64. Frosmoth
  65. Pikachu
  66. Raichu
  67. Chinchou
  68. Chinchou
  69. Lanturn
  70. Joltik
  71. Galvantula
  72. Tapu Koko-V
  73. Yamper
  74. Yamper
  75. Bolthund
  76. Bolthund
  77. Pincurchin
  78. Morpeko
  79. Morpeko-V
  80. Morpeko-VMAX
  81. Galarian Ponyta
  82. Galarian Rapidash
  83. Gastly
  84. Haunter
  85. Gengar
  86. Wobbuffet-V
  87. Munna
  88. Musharna
  89. Sinistea
  90. Polteageist
  91. Indeedee-V
  92. Diglett
  93. Dugtrio
  94. Hitmonlee
  95. Hitmonchan
  96. Rhyhorn
  97. Rhyhorn
  98. Rhydon
  99. Rhyperior
  100. Sudowoodo
  101. Baltoy
  102. Baltoy
  103. Claydol
  104. Regirock-V
  105. Mudbray
  106. Mudsdale
  107. Silicobra
  108. Silicobra
  109. Sandaconda
  110. Sandaconda
  111. Clobbopus
  112. Clobbopus
  113. Grapploct
  114. Stonjourner
  115. Stonjourner-V
  116. Stonjourner-VMAX
  117. Galarian Zigzagoon
  118. Galarian Linoone
  119. Galarian Obstagoon
  120. Sableye-V
  121. Skorupi
  122. Drapion
  123. Croagunk
  124. Toxicroak
  125. Nickit
  126. Thievul
  127. Galarian Meowth
  128. Galarian Perrserker
  129. Ferroseed
  130. Ferrothorn
  131. Galarian Stunfisk
  132. Pawniard
  133. Bisharp
  134. Corviknight
  135. Cufant
  136. Copperajah
  137. Duraludon
  138. Zacian-V
  139. Zamazenta-V
  140. Snorlax
  141. Snorlax-V
  142. Snorlax-VMAX
  143. Hoothoot
  144. Noctowl
  145. Minccino
  146. Minccino
  147. Cinccino
  148. Oranguru
  149. Drampa
  150. Rookidee
  151. Corvisquire
  152. Wooloo
  153. Wooloo
  154. Dubwool
  155. Cramorant-V
  156. Air Balloon
  157. Bede
  158. Big Charm
  159. Crushing Hammer
  160. Energy Retrieval
  161. Energy Search
  162. Energy Switch
  163. Evolution Incense
  164. Fine Band
  165. Fishing Rod
  166. Great Ball
  167. Hop
  168. Hyper Potion
  169. Lucky Egg
  170. Lum Berry
  171. Marnie
  172. Metal Saucer
  173. Pal Pad
  174. Poke Kid
  175. Pokegear 3.0
  176. Pokemon Catcher
  177. Pokemon Center Lady
  178. Potion
  179. Professor's Research
  180. Quick Ball
  181. Rare Candy
  182. Rotom Bike
  183. Sitrus Berry
  184. Switch
  185. Team Yell Grunt
  186. Aurora Energy (?)
  187. Dhelmise-V (FA)
  188. Torkoal-V (FA)
  189. Lapras-V (FA)
  190. Morpeko-V (FA)
  191. Wobbuffet-V (FA)
  192. Indeedee-V (FA)
  193. Stonjourner-V (FA)
  194. Sableye-V (FA)
  195. Zacian-V (FA)
  196. Zamazenta-V (FA)
  197. Snorlax-V (FA)
  198. Cramorant-V (FA)
  199. Bede (FA)
  200. Marnie (FA)
  201. Professor's Research (FA)
  202. Team Yell Grunt (FA)

Interesting that we initially thought VMAX Rising would factor into our SwSh base set as well, but this looks reasonably complete to me - can't wait to see what kind of SRs we'll be getting this gen!
You're missing Mawile :p

Otherwise, I'm agreeing with that list haha, so I'll probably hold off posting mine!