Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Set logo by Nemes; set symbol by me
Twenty years ago, a strange phenomenon caused Pokémon to change behavior in drastic ways. Though originally thought to be the work of Team Rocket, evidence now suggests this mysterious energy has another source: Eternatus. Several high-level trainers have taken an interest in this phenomenon and the Pokemon affected by it. Can the mystery of the dual destiny finally be solved once and for all?
Welcome. Sword & Shield: Dual Destinies (LVD) is my love letter to one of the coolest sets of all time, Neo Destiny. As in that set, the main gimmick of this set is Light and Dark Pokémon, but more streamlined as a mechanic and upgraded for the present day.
Unlike my other sets, this isn't being made specifically for Lackey, but if activity ever picks up again, I wouldn't be opposed to its inclusion.
"Why did you use LVD as the set abbreviation?"
The main reason is because I've been calling this the "light versus dark" set since its inception. The set symbol is also just the letters "LVD" but it looks like some random design which, for someone as creatively bankrupt as me, feels like a massive achievement. The other reason is because all of the other possible abbreviations are just awful. And, y'know, this is all for funsies anyway so it's not the end of the world just let me have this
Sword & Shield: Dual Destinies features the following:
- 86 new cards
- The return of Light Pokémon and Dark Pokémon, with custom blanks by RuneScript
- A slightly redesigned Pokémon V mechanic
- More artwork by our own Discord community

Light Pokémon don't have any different typing, similar to how they were twenty years ago. They also now consistently have increased HP - anywhere from 10 to 30 depending on the Pokemon. This can result in some pretty huge HP numbers, so they also consistently do less damage across the board. Most if not all Light Pokémon can heal in some capacity, making them efficient tanks. But even all this healing may not save them from the brutal power of the revamped Dark Pokémon.

These are the opposite of Light Pokémon. They also consistently have 10-30 less HP than normal. To make up for this new frailty, they have cheap, powerful attacks that can make short work of even the beefiest Light Pokémon. Dark Pokémon are more prone to inflicting Special Conditions as well. Dark Pokémon are also dual-typed with Darkness as well as their usual types.

There are no Pokémon VMAX here. Instead, Pokémon V are a lot weaker than they usually are. They have the HP and the strength to cause problems for the one-Prizers in the set, but not so much that they're completely unviable. Because I generally hate the idea of "Big Basics," most Pokémon V have general-use Abilities to make them supplemental fighters and not your main choice in a fight. But, as I said, they are strong enough to hold their own. As it should be.
Many thanks to everyone who made this set possible. Feel free to post any comments you have or whatever. You can see all the cards in the set here.
01/86 Caterpie
02/86 Dark Metapod
03/86 Dark Butterfree
04/86 Serperior V
05/86 Fomantis
06/86 Light Lurantis
07/86 Grubbin
08/86 Darumaka
09/86 Dark Darmanitan
10/86 Light Darmanitan
11/86 Delphox V
12/86 Dark Volcanion
13/86 Salandit
14/86 Dark Salazzle
15/86 Horsea
16/86 Dark Seadra
17/86 Shellder
18/86 Dark Cloyster
19/86 Samurott V
20/86 Sobble
21/86 Light Drizzile
22/86 Light Inteleon
23/86 Dark Frost Rotom
24/86 Light Rotom
25/86 Stunfisk V
26/86 Light Charjabug
27/86 Light Vikavolt
28/86 Zeraora
29/86 Yamper
30/86 Boltund
31/86 Pincurchin
32/86 Mega Mawile V
33/86 Shuppet
34/86 Light Banette
35/86 Espurr
36/86 Dark Meowstic
37/86 Light Meowstic
38/86 Inkay
39/86 Dark Malamar
40/86 Dark Cobalion
41/86 Dark Terrakion
42/86 Dark Virizion
43/86 Lycanroc V
44/86 Clobbopus
45/86 Grapploct
46/86 Bulbasaur
47/86 Light Ivysaur
48/86 Light Venusaur
49/86 Weezing V
50/86 Skorupi
51/86 Light Drapion
52/86 Dark Eternatus
53/86 Aron
54/86 Light Lairon
55/86 Light Aggron
56/86 Dark Durant
57/86 Aegislash V
58/86 Dark Kingdra
59/86 Dark Druddigon
60/86 Light Reshiram
61/86 Light Zekrom
62/86 Light Kyurem
63/86 Ditto
64/86 Porygon V
65/86 Smeargle
66/86 Ducklett
67/86 Light Swanna
68/86 Landorus
69/86 Dark Cramorant
70/86 Distortion World
71/86 Giovanni's Protection
72/86 Iris's Decree
73/86 Jasmine's Determination
74/86 Key Lime Pie
75/86 Lillie's Best Effort
76/86 Matching Scarves
77/86 Misty's Assistance
78/86 Moonlight Gorge
79/86 Prepare for Trouble
80/86 Primrose Prairie
81/86 Quiet Beach
82/86 Rocket Couple
83/86 Wally's Decision
84/86 Zinnia
85/86 Corrupt Energy
86/86 Miraculous Energy
02/86 Dark Metapod
03/86 Dark Butterfree
04/86 Serperior V
05/86 Fomantis
06/86 Light Lurantis
07/86 Grubbin
08/86 Darumaka
09/86 Dark Darmanitan
10/86 Light Darmanitan
11/86 Delphox V
12/86 Dark Volcanion
13/86 Salandit
14/86 Dark Salazzle
15/86 Horsea
16/86 Dark Seadra
17/86 Shellder
18/86 Dark Cloyster
19/86 Samurott V
20/86 Sobble
21/86 Light Drizzile
22/86 Light Inteleon
23/86 Dark Frost Rotom
24/86 Light Rotom
25/86 Stunfisk V
26/86 Light Charjabug
27/86 Light Vikavolt
28/86 Zeraora
29/86 Yamper
30/86 Boltund
31/86 Pincurchin
32/86 Mega Mawile V
33/86 Shuppet
34/86 Light Banette
35/86 Espurr
36/86 Dark Meowstic
37/86 Light Meowstic
38/86 Inkay
39/86 Dark Malamar
40/86 Dark Cobalion
41/86 Dark Terrakion
42/86 Dark Virizion
43/86 Lycanroc V
44/86 Clobbopus
45/86 Grapploct
46/86 Bulbasaur
47/86 Light Ivysaur
48/86 Light Venusaur
49/86 Weezing V
50/86 Skorupi
51/86 Light Drapion
52/86 Dark Eternatus
53/86 Aron
54/86 Light Lairon
55/86 Light Aggron
56/86 Dark Durant
57/86 Aegislash V
58/86 Dark Kingdra
59/86 Dark Druddigon
60/86 Light Reshiram
61/86 Light Zekrom
62/86 Light Kyurem
63/86 Ditto
64/86 Porygon V
65/86 Smeargle
66/86 Ducklett
67/86 Light Swanna
68/86 Landorus
69/86 Dark Cramorant
70/86 Distortion World
71/86 Giovanni's Protection
72/86 Iris's Decree
73/86 Jasmine's Determination
74/86 Key Lime Pie
75/86 Lillie's Best Effort
76/86 Matching Scarves
77/86 Misty's Assistance
78/86 Moonlight Gorge
79/86 Prepare for Trouble
80/86 Primrose Prairie
81/86 Quiet Beach
82/86 Rocket Couple
83/86 Wally's Decision
84/86 Zinnia
85/86 Corrupt Energy
86/86 Miraculous Energy