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--T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

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RE: Taylor45's trade thread (2x Gallade/RH BanetteSW)

would you trade a porygon z for em?
cml if you feel like you need an extra incentive =)
RE: Taylor45's trade thread (I have things!)

nah porygon-z isnt worth that much to me
thanks anyway
RE: Taylor45's trade thread (I have things!)

Interested in your:
Sceptile/Blaziken GE
Salemance/Ho-oh/Electivire SW
CML for any of those.
RE: Taylor45's trade thread (I have things!)

i liked your Palkia lv.X
would you trade it for those?
RE: Taylor45's trade thread (I have things!)

Well I do want those, hmm... I think I'll wait a bit, as I don't desperately need any of those. Anything else on my list your interested in?
RE: Taylor45's trade thread (I have things!)

not really. thats all i saw sorry =(
but yeah dude lmk
RE: Taylor45's trade thread (I have things!)

I have a Jappanes Ninetales from the 2nd DP set! I will trade it for a Cresselia GE or something else! LMK!
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

darkbliss - alright well what are you looking for? i'm interested in your Darkrai lv.x/Gardevoir lv.x

phantom - i'm interested but i wouldnt trade a cresselia for it sorry - but cml for other things
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

I don't see anything ATM...

Do you buy? If so, the Darkrai Lv.X is for sale.
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

wait.. so why did you ask me to check your list if theres nothing of mine you want?
and no i dont buy sorry
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

Cml for [H] Cresselia x1. Cml and Lmk. If we do decide to trade you send first considering I have more refs than you.
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

ahahaha alrighty then
dont worry i thoroughly understand the concept of ref rule

yeeaaah theres no link to your thread in your sig so now i gotta go find it
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

Actually there is a link in my sig. It is under the banner you can only see part. Also about the ref thing, I was just making sure because lately people have been testifying against me on that so just making sure. :)
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

=) alright its all good bro
but i still dont understand where the link is..
im interested in your Honchkrow lv.x
from your wants i have PK Gardevoir (Holo and Nonholo)
but could you cml for more to make it a fair trade for your standards? thanks!
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

Do you buy? If so would you do Honchkrow Lv.X for.... Gardevoir PK(is it holo) Cresselia and $10? If not I would just trade for the Cresselia only. Not the Gardevoir.
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

i dont buy
and sorry there wasnt anything else i saw on your list
RE: Taylor45's trade thread 4/19 UPDATE!

Alright. Sounds good to me. Thanks for your time. :)
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