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--T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

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RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

Yea, I have a few of you wants

I have:

2 Roseanne's
A few Celio's
Lucario (DP, but not 100% mint)
Riolu (DP, not mint. Bent on top corner)
2 Mr. Stones.

LMK an offer. Thanks
RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

I'm interested in Leafeon Lv. X. CML and see if we can make a deal.

P.S. I still have that non-holo Expedition Ninetails if you want it. Think I forgot to PM you a while back:D
RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

Im interested in your:

[RH] Prinplup (MD)
[RH] Weavile x2 (SW)
[RH] Stantler (SW)
[RH] Bagon (SW)

CML & LMK. Thanks
RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

anthonyg -
My: [H] Glaceon
Your: Celio's x2 + Roseanne's x2

tcc cofounder - i def want it - its got my favorite graphic =)\
I have 6x Bebe's Search
1x [RH] Magmortar MT
4x Smeargle
1x Flareon MD
2x [RH] Magmar SW [plenty not holo]
2x Magby MT
1x Ho-Oh SW

i'd like your Exp. Ninetales, and [H] Gardevoir SW. - LMK an offer, thanks!

DarkFire - i'm not interested in [RH] Lucario's - is there anything else on my list you'd like?

Mr. Sally - do you have any of my wants?
RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

lol I don't need the x3 Magmar SW, but everyone has been offering them to me, but I check my list and there are on my wants hehe. Ok, so how about:
Gardevoir SW [H]
Ninetail Exped
x1 Flareon
x1 Magmar MT [RH]
x1 Smeargle SW

Please PM me.
RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

Sry, I am gonna have to say no to that offer.

I am more interested in the Lv. X's if you are trading them, plz LMK and CML for them, incase you need something else. Thanks
RE: Taylor45's trade things! just pulled Garchomp Lv.X!!

now with Garchomp Lv.X!!
[a lot easier to get off of me than leafeon btw] ;D
RE: Taylor45's trade things! new wants

Flaming Zak said:
cml for Leafeon LV X.

I have;
1x Lucario
2x Riolu
Too many Roseanne's to count
and 2x Mr. Stone's Project

(The Riolu, Roseanne's and Mr Stone's Project aren't on my list as of now, but I assure you, I do have them.)

Just incase you missed it. If you already saw, I'll delete this post, but I didn't see any reply about it o_O
RE: Taylor45's trade things! just pulled Garchomp Lv.X!!

flaming zak - sorry bro musta missed ya =/
it wont happen again
i'm gonna have to pass on trading the leafeon but i am interested in your Lucario and RH MT Ninetales - is there anything i can give you for those?

uchihablood - read my rules please
but i did check your list anyway and i didnt see anything, sorry
RE: Taylor45's trade things! just pulled Garchomp Lv.X!!

Okay. How about Togekiss? Do you have any Garchomp (MT) and Rare Candies (GE)?
RE: Taylor45's trade things! just pulled Garchomp Lv.X!!

i can trade you togekiss but i dont have any more garchomp or spare rare candies for trade
RE: Taylor45's trade things! just pulled Garchomp Lv.X!!

Hm...Would you be willing to trade Ho-oh and Togekiss for the RH Ninetales and Lucario?
RE: Taylor45's trade things! just pulled Garchomp Lv.X!!

im gonna have to go with no just because those two are pretty valuable because of their involvement in the metagame
RE: Taylor45's thread H: things N: 2x Crystal Beaches

updated wants (again)
posted a pic of the last single ninetales card that i dont have
(only printed in Japanese)
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