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--T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

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RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

Kashmaster - I'm not going to trade 2 RH's for 1 RH and 1 Regular Rare.

Glitch - I'm actually already getting that Dialga, but I will gladly CYL.
The link to your Trading Thread is broken.
I'm not going to go searching for it...
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

Well instead of RH metagross can you give me 2x lookers investigation
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

No thanks. I think you value your Ninetales a lot higher than I do.
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

Discussing via PM.
Glitch, are you going to link me to your trading thread?
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

Nope, sorry but i have already got those torterra and i have changed my deck and it is also decked
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

I don't even know what you're talking about...
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

For my TSD you wanted, would you trade both your Erika's Venusaur and the Fossil Hitmonlee for it?
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

Oh, I didn't notice your SP offer! :O

I'll give you a Uxie Lv.X for it, it's not on the list because I got tired of stupid offers for it if you're wondering why it's not on there. -_-

I've got no shot at this one, but just wondering what would be needed for the DS Lite? I mean assuming I don't get the SP. :] (Not asking for it, but if there's anyway I can get it I'll take it by all means. xD Assuming it doesn't cost money that is, which I'm sure it does. ;p )
RE: **T45's Trades [H] 4x Toxicroak G/DS light/GBA SP

For the moment, I'm holding onto the DS to trade for cards I'll probably never get from Rising Rivals otherwise haha.
But if you want the GBA SP for the Uxie Lv.X, it's all yours. PM me your info.
Also, if you have any Ninetales cards you're willing to throw in, that would be greatly appreciated. =]
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 5 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

Definitely need a Leafeon Lv.X again...
Some n00b on PokeGym has got his priorities way out of whack so please help me!
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

Do you have any TM's or regular Ge porygons? cuz I can do,

2x Dialga G - PT
--Higher Set Collection Wants--
-PT- [Priority]
7. Dialga G [RH]
11. Manectric [RH]

1 aerodactayle (fossil) (either one)
2 TM TS-2
1 TM TS-1
3 porygon Ge

And yes, I'll get the trade right this time.:p
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

I've only got 1 of each TM
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

Taylor45 said:
I've only got 1 of each TM

Could you switch the 1 TM ts2 that you don't have w/ a porygon or a bebe's search?
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

I don't have any extra Bebe's but I have a 4th Porygon.
PM me to confirm if you wish.
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

I need these:

2 SH Voltorb SF
1 Drapion Lv.X

I have these:

Dialga G X1
Giratina #9 (Let loose) RH
Roserade SF

CML For more?
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X / 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

I don't need a Roserade SF, but what Ninetales cards do you have?
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X !! + 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

Please help me get the cards I need before Rising Rivals is released!!
RE: **T45's Trades [W] Leafeon X !! + 6 more PT Rev. Holos [Trading huge for my wants]

C'mon guys!
Looking for some trades.
Added 2 Dialga G's to the list.
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