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--T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

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RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Selling cheap and trading big for RR Lv.X's!

No thanks I value that at much more than roughly 8 dollars.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Just updated.
May have missed a few spots so i apologize in advance for any misleading cards on my list.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

i'm interested in you RH powerspray, RH energy gain, RH skuntank G and toxicroak G, i have a few things off your wants list including RH rampardos, please LMK if your interested
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

I am interested. Do you have any else from my wants?
Let me know what you would like for that Rampardos.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Taylor45 said:
I am interested. Do you have any else from my wants?
Let me know what you would like for that Rampardos.

bastiodon GL (RH)
Shiftry (RH)
Mr. Mime 4 (RH)
ambipom G (RH)
growlithe (RH)
trapinch (RH)

so how bout all those and the rampardos for any rotom except fan and the enrgygain/powerspray RH/RH skuntank
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

No thanks. I'd maybe give you a Rotom and 1 of those 3 RH's you want since they are valuable.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

I have an Ambipom (G) (RH)... If you want to make an offer.. Also, I know this is a newbish question, but what is a toploader?
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

It's a hard plastic case you put a trading card in.
UltraPro makes them usually. You can look em up, they're not hard to find =]

I've got 2 SW Minun and 1 MD Minun.
But unless you have any more of my wants, I wouldn't really want to trade for one Reverse holo common card.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

CML, for anything else you want. Could you reserve those for me until I can get Top loaders and Sleeves.... I would be able to pack it well, but apparently you need top loaders and sleeves. And it will be at least a wait until Saturday to get them, unless there was another way >_<
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

ElectroManiac -If you ship in cardboard that's fine.

How about, 2 of those for your Ambipom G [RH] and Scizor - SF

kashmaster - No thanks, I don't value it that high.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Would you do:
Shiftry RR [RH]

Machamp DP?
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

I have Snorlax Lev X x2, and Gallade 4 Lev X,

please check my wants to see if you have anything if you're interested in either of those.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Hello. Are you still looking for PLATINUM Rampardos RH?
I'm interested in your LEGENDS AWAKENED Dragonite.
Let me know. :)
And please check my thread to see if I have other cards you need.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Blastoise PT
For Your:
Felicity's Drawing x2
Volkner's Philosophy x2
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Medaforcer - Yeah I can do that. PM me for details.

Frodus - I have 2x Luxray GL.

Hyunbin - I can trade it 1-for-1. If youre interested, PM me for details.

Nabby - No thanks. I'm only interested in a [RH] Blastoise.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

RH Rampardos PT
RH Bastidon GL RR
RH Roserade GL RR
RH Shiftry RR
RH Flareon RR
RH Gastrodon West Sea RR
RH Aimbipom G RR
RH Houndoom 4 RR
RH Kakuna RR
RHKecleon RR
RH Nidorina RR
RH Nidorino RR
RH Sealeo RR
RH Seedot RR

Wash Rotom
Heat Rotom
Frost Rotom
Energy Gain RH
Power Spray RH
Luxray GL RR x3
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Hey man, I don't really want to be trading my valuable cards for just RH's right now because I don't have that many at the moment, but what I can trade are the TGI's.

Would you trade your:
RH Houndoom 4 RR
RH Kakuna RR
RH Kecleon RR
RH Nidorina RR
RH Nidorino RR
RH Sealeo RR
RH Seedot RR

for my 2 RH TGI's?
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Trading big for RR Lv.X's!

Taylor45 said:
No thanks. I'd maybe give you a Rotom and 1 of those 3 RH's you want since they are valuable.

ok how bout the energy gain then?
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