• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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--T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

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RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

Hmmmm.... Let me check...
I have:

1x [RH] Garchomp - MT
1x [RH] Togekiss - GE
1x [H] Togekiss - GE

RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

well i could use that Holo Togekiss
but i think 2 omastar exceed the value of a togekiss
RE: Taylor45's Trades and Fond Memories[H]:Cresselia Lv.X

rage780 said:
I am also interested in walrein, ge and gyrados mt

I have both of those, if ya need em'

Taylor: Hmmmmm.... Yeah....you're right....
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

is there anything other than omastar you're interested in?
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

Ya got helix fossils or omanite MD? I need 2 of each.
Scratch that, two helix fossil and one omanite.
I'm gonna go start a trading thread. Be back in 20 to 30 mins.
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

Hia people I'm back!

Here's my trade thread: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=37753
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

i have 2 of each [helix fossil/omanyte]
please make an offer for your togekiss
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

Me have RR...CML for Electivire Lv. X again...:D
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

sorry i plan on using my vire x
thats why hes not on my list anymore
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

Actually...he is on your list...:p
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

oh i must have forgotten to save it =(
thanks for letting me know
yeah i just looked
and it is not on my list

i have electivire lv.x in my wants
if thats what you meant
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

My offer:

1x helix fossil
1x omanite
2x omastar


1x [H] Togekiss
1x [H] Rotom
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

what do you need? Look at my trade thread to see what star rarity cards I got. Link in sig.
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

1x Electivire Lv.X - MT [high]
x1 Holo Ampharos(SW)

Your Darkrai Lv X GE?
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

sorry, nothing that i saw for omastar
[im sorta fond of them]
RE: I got tons of stuff you need [tons of new wants]

oh sorry i overlooked your post
i'll have to pass
i value darkrai much more than that
RE: Taylor45's trade thread [ALL NEW WANTS]

CML for your

Gardevoir Lv.X - SW

and proagon LVX
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