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Tag-Team Deck (Magmortar / Electivire)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 Magmar
    3 Magmortar
    3 Eletabuzz
    3 Electivire
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Mr. Mime

  • 3 Juniper
    4 N
    3 Colress
    2 Skyla
    3 Training Center
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Switch
    1 Computer Search
    4 Evosoda
    2 Professors Letter
    2 Super Scoop Up

  • 4 DCE
    3 Lightning
    6 Fire


  • 3 Magmar
    3 Magmortar
    3 Eletabuzz
    3 Electivire
    1 Trubsish
    1 Garbodar

  • 3 Juniper
    4 N
    3 Colress
    2 Skyla
    3 Mountain Ring
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Switch
    1 Computer Search
    4 Evosoda
    2 Professors Letter
    2 Super Scoop Up

  • 4 DCE
    3 Lightning
    6 Fire


So Furious Fists is coming out pretty soon, and I saw these two cards and was dead-set on making a deck with them, and if I can get most of the kinks out of this list I'm probably going to drop my Plasma deck for it.

Getting Started with the strategy, you can pretty much look at Magmortar and Electivire and figure this one out pretty easily, but if you can't then I'll explain. So basically the strategy is get Magmortar and Electivire out, attach a fire energy to Magmortar, use Flame Charge to get a second fire energy attached, then attach DCE next turn and a muscle band ASAP. With this setup you can have Magmortar doing 180 damage turn 3-4. The next step would be to get a lightning energy onto Electivire so he can use Tag Team Spark, on Pokemon like Yveltal, Lugia, and other weak to lightning. Basically once you have Magmortar set up you can switch whenever to send out Electivire and he will be set up also with The starting 20+20 for the first fire +20 for the second +40 for the DCE, +40 if you can attach another DCE to magmortar, and +20 for a muscle band, or +30 for the Silver Bangle. Totals to 160-170, which isn't enough for a knock out, but Like I said he is only if Magmortar is taking some serious hits, or if a Lightning weak pokemon is defending.

The stadium gives them both a extra 30 health, which can help a ton. The Evosoda helps with getting them out fast, and If I had the choice I would be running Level and Heavy balls, but since they are getting rotated out soon I saw no point to put them in, just to remove them a month later. The Super Scoop Up, is new with Furious Fists, and I put it to keep from losing all the energy from Magmortar dying. (I wasn't sure if Super Rods or Max Potions would still be in, I couldn't remember the last set they had been in, so I just put Super Scoop Up to be safe, but I can change it if needed.) Mr.mime is good to keep My Electivire alive, or the Magmortar alive so it doesn't slow down the deck. Mewtwo EX is a good fast way to take out anything the Tag-Team can't handle, and for only a DCE.

That is basically the whole strategy, and when I started to put this list together it was pretty loose, but as I added cards it got really tight really fast. So making edits may be hard to do without droping anything to important, but I am open to all suggestions, and I can't really play test anything fully yet, so I'm going to save the list each time a change is made, just so I can try all the different variations, and see what works the best. Hope you like what I've done with this Decklist, and I can't wait to here some suggestions! Fire Away!

[Edits] I added the V2, Where I dropped Mr.Mime and Mewtwo Ex for a Garbodar Line, and Switch Training Center for Mountain Ring.
I just made my own decklist
I run some victini ex and victory piece to accelerate energy onto magmorter.
I run a 2-2 Garbodor line instead.
You only run 4 tool cards, i would take out the 2 switches for float stones, and replace the bangles with muscle bands.

I also only run a 2-2 line of electivire, i feel like magmorter will be the main attacker most of the time.
2797jake said:
I just made my own decklist
I run some victini ex and victory piece to accelerate energy onto magmorter.
I run a 2-2 Garbodor line instead.
You only run 4 tool cards, i would take out the 2 switches for float stones, and replace the bangles with muscle bands.

I also only run a 2-2 line of electivire, i feel like magmorter will be the main attacker most of the time.

Magmortar is basically his own energy accelerator, with his first move. Having a Victini, is honestly just an unnecessary waste of space, that could be better placed.

The float stone Idea is ok, but if you attach a muscle band or silver bangle then you can't attach a float stone, which kind of makes it a one or the other.

I like keeping the bangles because the extra 10 damage can change an enitre game, and it's worth it considering a lot of the meta still runs EX's and Pyroar is really the only reason to not run basics.

I'm not going to drop the Electivire line for a Garbodar line, because Garbodar is more of a convenience, and not a necessity to the deck. Also taking the risk that I won't be able to get an Electivire set up quick enough, or have one ready if a Lugia or Yvetal comes.

Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't really see any of them being beneficial to the deck list. If that's how you like to play the deck, then I hope it works! Have a good day!
I would focus more on just Magmortar myself with Electivire being an option if anything 3-2 line or somethingwith Blacksmith and bike and roller skates. Just that 180 with muscle band is great.
Just answering some of your questions: Max Potion is in (reprinted as a Shiny 121/116 in Plasma Freeze) and Super Rod is out (last English print is from Dragon Vault, the last set before Boundaries Crossed. It was on Noble Victories before that.).
I really enjoy both versions of your decks. The question I have is have you considered anything in the way of water pokemon to possibly counter the rise of landorus ex? I am sure more than probably even lucario we will see a massive rise in decks with him in it. I also would really like to make this deck and see it tested. If your interested in collaborating please pm me.
Since the English card scans were available, I decided to proxy a similar deck and have been play-testing it for a few weeks. It is definitely a solid deck. Following are some thoughts/comments for your consideration for both of your deck versions:

  • Why run only a 3-3 Magmortar line when it is your primary attacker?
  • Why no Blacksmith for R energy attachment acceleration? Blacksmith provides some "speed" advantages for R Poké, but adding this Supporter will cause Supporter "clashes" (times when you need/want to play multiple Supporters during the same turn); so, I found utilizing some Item-draw cards like Bicycle, Fiery Torch, and/or Roller Skates provides supplemental draw when I need to also play a Blacksmith.
  • Why no Lysandre???
  • Why no Pal Pad?
  • Given the relatively "low" HP of your Magmortars and Electivires, these Poké are just 1HKOd typically despite the Training Stadium - which can be easily replaced.
  • How effective do you really think the Super Scoop Ups (which you still would need to flip heads IF you are not Item-locked by an opponent) might be?
  • Since your Magmortar can inflict 180 damage when an Electivire is benched and it has an attached a Muscle Band, why do you need Silver Bangles?
I hope you find these comments helpful.

Aramas125 said:
I really enjoy both versions of your decks. The question I have is have you considered anything in the way of water pokemon to possibly counter the rise of landorus ex?
The good news is that Magmortar can 1HKO a Landorus EX with an attached Muscle Band and a benched Electivire. And if the opponent revenge KOs the Magmortar, it's a 2-for-1 prize exchange.
Two questions: Would a kyurem ex with outrage be better than mewtwo ex in this situation? It seems like it would help the bad lando matchup at the start of the game.
Also, can your electivire use more than one magmortar as a target for his tag-team spark?

Okay three questions: how do you think a miltoic for energy acceleration would work? I really like this deck and want it to be viable.
Nathabian said:
Two questions: Would a kyurem ex with outrage be better than mewtwo ex in this situation? It seems like it would help the bad lando matchup at the start of the game.
Also, can your electivire use more than one magmortar as a target for his tag-team spark?

Okay three questions: how do you think a miltoic for energy acceleration would work? I really like this deck and want it to be viable.

1. I dropped Mewtwo overall in version 2, because he doesn't server his purpose, and Kyurem with outrage doesn't serve it any better.

2. I have no Idea, I don't think so, but he might. As of now assume no.

3. Too many cards for too little of a payback.

I'm also really into this deck, and I'm so happy your are to! :D

TuxedoBlack said:
Since the English card scans were available, I decided to proxy a similar deck and have been play-testing it for a few weeks. It is definitely a solid deck. Following are some thoughts/comments for your consideration for both of your deck versions:

  • Why run only a 3-3 Magmortar line when it is your primary attacker?
  • Why no Blacksmith for R energy attachment acceleration? Blacksmith provides some "speed" advantages for R Poké, but adding this Supporter will cause Supporter "clashes" (times when you need/want to play multiple Supporters during the same turn); so, I found utilizing some Item-draw cards like Bicycle, Fiery Torch, and/or Roller Skates provides supplemental draw when I need to also play a Blacksmith.
  • Why no Lysandre???
  • Why no Pal Pad?
  • Given the relatively "low" HP of your Magmortars and Electivires, these Poké are just 1HKOd typically despite the Training Stadium - which can be easily replaced.
  • How effective do you really think the Super Scoop Ups (which you still would need to flip heads IF you are not Item-locked by an opponent) might be?
  • Since your Magmortar can inflict 180 damage when an Electivire is benched and it has an attached a Muscle Band, why do you need Silver Bangles?
I hope you find these comments helpful.

1. You don't really need any more, It was originally 4-4, but the decklist was so tight, and he isn't really that hard to get, so I think 3-3 should be fine.

2. I don't run blacksmith, because of the whole Supporter clash, and Magmortar is really his own acceleration. If you have a DCE and a Fire energy, then attach the fire, use first attck, attach DCe second turn. Then he is fully powered. :)

3. I never put lysnadre in, because the decklist is so tight and the SUpporter clash kind of steered me away. You can play him if you wan't, but I'm using my supporters every turn, and I don't like having to make that decision. lol

4. There are more than enough supporters. That's all I have to say xD

5. They are very low on HP, and in the second version (which is what I'll be using, accept with a couple edits) I removed Training Center entirely. Decks with low hp pokemon have run before, and they will now. lol Maybe play a suicune to get around that.

6. I use them, because it is a good way to fully heal a magmortar, without losing all the energy, if you find them that big of a risk, then drop them for two Energy retrievals. So if magmortar dies, you can at least get back the two fire energy he had. Also you point about being "Item locked" could be used a reason to not use any Item cards at all, but people still do, because they have a purpose, and there is only 1-2 item lock decks.

7.Silver bangles are extremely convenient, and the extra 10 damage can change a game, When attacking a mega, that's 10 extra damage, they will be well wanted.

I really loved all your suggestions, and I'm super happy you gave your input. It will help if I look back on this later, and get some Ideas, or if someone else sees this thread and thinks like you do. Have a great day!

Also, I dropped Shauna for N. If you haven't heard, and you still thought N was going to be rotated out, turns out he was printed as a promo, and given out at Leagues, so he will still be in next format. HURRAAAYYY!!!