So Furious Fists is coming out pretty soon, and I saw these two cards and was dead-set on making a deck with them, and if I can get most of the kinks out of this list I'm probably going to drop my Plasma deck for it.
Getting Started with the strategy, you can pretty much look at Magmortar and Electivire and figure this one out pretty easily, but if you can't then I'll explain. So basically the strategy is get Magmortar and Electivire out, attach a fire energy to Magmortar, use Flame Charge to get a second fire energy attached, then attach DCE next turn and a muscle band ASAP. With this setup you can have Magmortar doing 180 damage turn 3-4. The next step would be to get a lightning energy onto Electivire so he can use Tag Team Spark, on Pokemon like Yveltal, Lugia, and other weak to lightning. Basically once you have Magmortar set up you can switch whenever to send out Electivire and he will be set up also with The starting 20+20 for the first fire +20 for the second +40 for the DCE, +40 if you can attach another DCE to magmortar, and +20 for a muscle band, or +30 for the Silver Bangle. Totals to 160-170, which isn't enough for a knock out, but Like I said he is only if Magmortar is taking some serious hits, or if a Lightning weak pokemon is defending.
The stadium gives them both a extra 30 health, which can help a ton. The Evosoda helps with getting them out fast, and If I had the choice I would be running Level and Heavy balls, but since they are getting rotated out soon I saw no point to put them in, just to remove them a month later. The Super Scoop Up, is new with Furious Fists, and I put it to keep from losing all the energy from Magmortar dying. (I wasn't sure if Super Rods or Max Potions would still be in, I couldn't remember the last set they had been in, so I just put Super Scoop Up to be safe, but I can change it if needed.) Mr.mime is good to keep My Electivire alive, or the Magmortar alive so it doesn't slow down the deck. Mewtwo EX is a good fast way to take out anything the Tag-Team can't handle, and for only a DCE.
That is basically the whole strategy, and when I started to put this list together it was pretty loose, but as I added cards it got really tight really fast. So making edits may be hard to do without droping anything to important, but I am open to all suggestions, and I can't really play test anything fully yet, so I'm going to save the list each time a change is made, just so I can try all the different variations, and see what works the best. Hope you like what I've done with this Decklist, and I can't wait to here some suggestions! Fire Away!
[Edits] I added the V2, Where I dropped Mr.Mime and Mewtwo Ex for a Garbodar Line, and Switch Training Center for Mountain Ring.
3 Magmar
3 Magmortar
3 Eletabuzz
3 Electivire
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Mr. Mime
3 Juniper
4 N
3 Colress
2 Skyla
3 Training Center
3 Ultra Ball
2 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
2 Switch
1 Computer Search
4 Evosoda
2 Professors Letter
2 Super Scoop Up
3 Lightning
6 Fire
3 Magmar
3 Magmortar
3 Eletabuzz
3 Electivire
1 Trubsish
1 Garbodar
3 Juniper
4 N
3 Colress
2 Skyla
3 Mountain Ring
3 Ultra Ball
2 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
2 Switch
1 Computer Search
4 Evosoda
2 Professors Letter
2 Super Scoop Up
3 Lightning
6 Fire
So Furious Fists is coming out pretty soon, and I saw these two cards and was dead-set on making a deck with them, and if I can get most of the kinks out of this list I'm probably going to drop my Plasma deck for it.
Getting Started with the strategy, you can pretty much look at Magmortar and Electivire and figure this one out pretty easily, but if you can't then I'll explain. So basically the strategy is get Magmortar and Electivire out, attach a fire energy to Magmortar, use Flame Charge to get a second fire energy attached, then attach DCE next turn and a muscle band ASAP. With this setup you can have Magmortar doing 180 damage turn 3-4. The next step would be to get a lightning energy onto Electivire so he can use Tag Team Spark, on Pokemon like Yveltal, Lugia, and other weak to lightning. Basically once you have Magmortar set up you can switch whenever to send out Electivire and he will be set up also with The starting 20+20 for the first fire +20 for the second +40 for the DCE, +40 if you can attach another DCE to magmortar, and +20 for a muscle band, or +30 for the Silver Bangle. Totals to 160-170, which isn't enough for a knock out, but Like I said he is only if Magmortar is taking some serious hits, or if a Lightning weak pokemon is defending.
The stadium gives them both a extra 30 health, which can help a ton. The Evosoda helps with getting them out fast, and If I had the choice I would be running Level and Heavy balls, but since they are getting rotated out soon I saw no point to put them in, just to remove them a month later. The Super Scoop Up, is new with Furious Fists, and I put it to keep from losing all the energy from Magmortar dying. (I wasn't sure if Super Rods or Max Potions would still be in, I couldn't remember the last set they had been in, so I just put Super Scoop Up to be safe, but I can change it if needed.) Mr.mime is good to keep My Electivire alive, or the Magmortar alive so it doesn't slow down the deck. Mewtwo EX is a good fast way to take out anything the Tag-Team can't handle, and for only a DCE.
That is basically the whole strategy, and when I started to put this list together it was pretty loose, but as I added cards it got really tight really fast. So making edits may be hard to do without droping anything to important, but I am open to all suggestions, and I can't really play test anything fully yet, so I'm going to save the list each time a change is made, just so I can try all the different variations, and see what works the best. Hope you like what I've done with this Decklist, and I can't wait to here some suggestions! Fire Away!
[Edits] I added the V2, Where I dropped Mr.Mime and Mewtwo Ex for a Garbodar Line, and Switch Training Center for Mountain Ring.