Take it or Leave it

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Leave it - I've trialled it and the graphics are horrendous. They think that it's impressive?

New Motorbike (one just went past me)
Leave it

The Best of the Posies - Dream All Day Album Google them if you don't know who they are.
Eat it. Take it.

Darn, ninja'd. Take it, but curse it all the same.

A mint choc chip ice cream.
Take and nom nom nom...
A destructive Regigigas with amnesia

Not the attack Amnesia, the actual thing amnesia. You know when you can't remember things?
Leave it. It doesn't exist yet, so if I took it I would mess up the flow of time and possibly make Dialga very angry. X3

The ability to fly
leave it...i mean living forever is like totally last century...

ill leave it for you :p

a crocodile
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