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Tangrowth/Nidoqueen (Mega Heal) MD-CoL For BR


Aspiring Trainer
The aim of this deck is to set up quickly with Spiritomb and Tangela's nutritional support (as a suicide or not, it doesn't matter) to a benched tangrowth, and then hit hard with Tangrowth.

4 Spiritomb
3 Tangela (CoL) - 2 Tangrowth SF/1 Tangrowth CoL - 1 Tangrowth Lv. X
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-1/1 Cloudy/Sunny Cherrim
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q

1 Pokemon Communication
2 Bebe's Search
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Engineers Adjustments
2 Broken Time-Space
1 Luxury Ball
1 Interviewers Questions
2 Warp Point
2 Expert Belt
1 Palmer's Contribution
2 Seeker

2 Rescue Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy
7 Grass Energy

Some things I'm not sure about:

Firstly, I'm not sure about the Pokemon Communication. I do not have any more bebe's, but the communications normally create a big hole in my hand in the early game because I start with spiritomb. I'm not sure about my BTS and Rare Candy lines; I based this list off a Nidoking/Nidoqueen list I used to run. I'm not sure if I need 2-2 sunny cherrim, or 2-2, 1 sunny 1 cloudy... Lastly, I'm not sure if I want 4 rainbow (i.e cutting it to 2-3 for room for grass energy) or if I really need blaziken Fb. X (I put him in mainly for the dialga G/Vileplume matchups; and for harassing whatever else they have. I'm not sure if I need that one rescue, or if I should run a second (for putting on Blaziken FB or Tangrowth X - I have no other ways of getting them out of discard.)

Tangrowth X gets grass out of the discard, which is one of the reasons why I'm hesistant with keeping my full 4 rainbow energies in the deck (thinking of dropping it to 2)

EDIT: I have at least one of just about every single 'meta' trainer or supporter. Like, I have elms, copycat, junk arm, judge, more pont, etc.

I really like your Deck, but I have got some questions :
  • Why do you play 2-2-2 Nidoqueen ? (you can't use more than 1 Matenal Comfort Poké-Body)
  • Why do you play Tangrowth COL ?
  • Why do you Play Blaziken FB ?

Add Palmer's/FSL, more Rescue Energy, 3 Rainbow are Enough, Remove 1 Tangela and 1 DCE (Lv.X's Attack, Tangela's Attack,...).

I think that's all.
Serperior would be better. His ability stacks nidoqueen doesn't. Plus he uses grass to attack. My thinking is you should take out a communication for a premier ball. It can get lvl xs outta the discard pile. And take out a rainbow for a palmers or flower shop lady. Or a Pokemon rescue. So you have more recovery
Sleeping Snorlax said:
Serperior would be better. His ability stacks nidoqueen doesn't. Plus he uses grass to attack. My thinking is you should take out a communication for a premier ball. It can get lvl xs outta the discard pile. And take out a rainbow for a palmers or flower shop lady. Or a Pokemon rescue. So you have more recovery

The format is MD-CoL

Dratiny said:
I really like your Deck, but I have got some questions :
  • Why do you play 2-2-2 Nidoqueen ? (you can't use more than 1 Matenal Comfort Poké-Body)
  • Why do you play Tangrowth COL ?
  • Why do you Play Blaziken FB ?

Add Palmer's/FSL, more Rescue Energy, 3 Rainbow are Enough, Remove 1 Tangela and 1 DCE (Lv.X's Attack, Tangela's Attack,...).

I think that's all.

I play nidoqueen cause she's ballin'
I play Tangrowth CoL for the heck of it (and its synergy sort of with double colorless
I play Blaziken FB because people in my area run dialga/vileplume sometimes. However, he's also good against any pokemon with a retreat (azelf, not uxie, tombs, stantlers, smeargles, etc
Dratiny said:
Jahikoi said:
Dratiny said:
  • Why do you play 2-2-2 Nidoqueen ? (you can't use more than 1 Matenal Comfort Poké-Body)
I play nidoqueen cause she's ballin'
Ok. But why 2 Nidoqueen(s ?) ?!

In case one is prized? To evolve with Spiritomb? To increase the likeliness I will be able to get a Nidoqueen out T2? Would you suggest 1-1-1 instead?
No, what you just said is enough =D. I agree, this was just what I wanted to know ;). Maybe Poke Healer + ? Maybe 1-1 Blissey PL ? Moomoo Milk ? Rare candy isn't a good idea with Spiritomb.
Ok so, I took out 1 rainbow, 1 DCE, 1 Nidoqueen (I only need 1, but I can easily get nidoran with collector and nidorina with tomb) and both candies. I'm also gonna take out 1-1 blaziken. Thats 7 slots.

Gonna add 1 palmers, 2 grass, 4 engineers adjustments.

I might also take out the 2 BTS; and might take out the 1 Tangela and the 1 Tangrowth CoL. Anyone got any opinions on these?
Run 2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR or 1-1-1. I think 2-2-1 is bad. Sunflora HS to make the Deck faster ? keep 2 BTS ! Only 2 Engineer's is enough. Maybe 1 Nidoqueen from Triumphant, with 3 Rainbow ? 1-1 Dodrio UD for a faster retreat ?
Okay, I made a big change to the deck.

I put in 1 palmers, 1 interviewers questions, and put the Nidoqueen back in.

took out one commuication, took out the two engineers I put in (leaving two) and added a few energies.

I played some soliataire games and I think it needs seeker for picking up Uxie and tangrowths, so I'm going to add 2 of those.

Edit: Updating OP

Double edit: ARGH I wish that Juniper was in the format. That would be perfect for discarding grass... oh well. My hand tends to get clogged with basics, so the seeker to get room for uxies/other basics instead of uxie/azelf is useful; although I havent tested it.
Dawn Stadium is an Amazing card in your Deck : Heal 10 when you attach one energy card.

Some cards with a great effect :

Sceptile is totally unneeded in this deck. I have cherrim cloudy, but I don't run it. I don't think it would help that much. Do you think I should run it?

Dawn Stadium isn't a great card for this deck I don't think, I don't need to heal more after Nidoqueen and Tangrowth's body.
Ok for Sceptile. I really like Cherrim, that's like healing 10, and it may save your Tangrowth from an OHKO. For example, Tangrowth SF is no longer OHKO by Blakiken FB lv.X (without Lucario GL), and you can revenge kill it (60 + Cherrim SF).

May you Edit your list, please ?
I guess that's quite a good thing... I'm sure 2-2 cherrim works just as well. Someday I wish I could've tried 4-4 cherrim :p

I updated the OP. I'm gonna add that cherrim. One moment.

Okay, Updated.

I took out one rainbow energy and one grass energy.

Ugh. I realized that I had the list wrong in the OP, and had 61 cards. I took out that rainbow and the grass; and then I was stumped at what else to take out. In the end, I took out another communication - however I'm not sure that was a good idea...

Edit 2: I took out a DCE as well. I tended to get more DCE's than I needed, anyway - and in most cases I'd prefer 3 grass and a rescue over 2 grass and a dce.

Dratiny said:
Ok for Sceptile. I really like Cherrim, that's like healing 10, and it may save your Tangrowth from an OHKO. For example, Tangrowth SF is no longer OHKO by Blakiken FB lv.X (without Lucario GL), and you can revenge kill it (60 + Cherrim SF).?

The sad part is, most of the time they will be able to crobat drop. In that case, I'll still die... and either way, i'd die as the lv. x (due to x2 weakness). Even with Cherrim Cloudy, Belt and Lv. X I'll still die to Jet Shoot :( Thankfully, I don't think anyone runs Charizard in our area, otherwise I'd cry. Sceptile... I don't see the use of a stage 2 tech just to move energy around.
Sceptible was just a bad idea ^^".

Don't put your Tangrowth lv.X in play if you see a Fire Pokémon (Charmander, Blaziken FB,...) Fire Pokémon will need 110 damage to OHKO your Tangrowth (Belt, Cherrim). Maybe Landmin Lv.X is better than Cherrim AR ?

Try :

4 Spiritomb
3 Tangela (CoL) - 2 Tangrowth SF/1 Tangrowth CoL - 1 Tangrowth Lv. X
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Sunny Cherrim
1-1 Landmin Lv.X
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
Battle roads is over. I went pretty well. 2-2 with one win due to forfeit (he had to leave)

The answer? Tangrowth isn't metagame viable. I think we all knew this already.