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Standard Tapu fini/Walls and friends


Aspiring Trainer
Tapu fini gx -4
Wishiwashi gx -2
Hoopa SLG - 4
Zekrom SLG- 2
Reshiram SLG- 1
Manphy EX -2
Vulpix GUR -1
----------------------------------------- Pokemon 16
Float Stone- 4
Switch - 3
Choice Band -3
Nestball- 4
Ultra Ball -2
Aqua Patch - 4
Max Potion -2
----------------------------------------- Items 22
Lana -1
Guzma - 2
Professor Sycamore - 2
Cynthia- 2
N - 3
---------------------------------------- Supporters- 9
Brooklet Hill-2
------------------------------------------------ Stadiums -2
DCE -4
Water Energy -6
------------------------------------------------- Energy -10

The strategy is very similar to that of Donphan. Use Tapu Fini's Attack to switch into healthy and potent attackers or walls like wishiwashi Gx or Hoopa and use cards like float stone, switch and Guzma to switch into another Tapu Fini.

Tapu Fini's Attacks - Aqua Ring C - You may switch this Pokemon with one of your benched Pokemon.

Hydro Shot WWC- Discard two water energy from this pokemon if you do this attack does 120 to 1 of you opponents Pokemon.
Tapu Storm GX W - Shuffle your opponents active Pokemon and all cards attached to it into their deck ( this attack doesn't work if you opponets has no benched pokemon.

Than you in advance! :)
As someone who played a lot of Donphan, this is not the same thing mostly because Donphan had strong energy, robosubs and Korrina. Aqua Ring doesn't really put out enough damage to pressure your opponent that much, similar to Umbreon's Strafe attack that I've seen people doing this with. Another part of the issue is HP creep, Donphan doesn't really hold up well these days despite having the advantage of strong energy because it's not really enough anymore with GX cards sitting about where megas used to in terms of HP.

You're running 4 nest ball so you really shouldn't need brooklets or Vulpix. Lana is cute but not a good card, 99% of the time it will not turn a 2HKO into a 3HKO so while it reduces the damage on the board, it doesn't reduce the prize threat very much in most situations.

I think you invest too heavily in switching cards, 4 float stone and 2 manaphy plus three item switch is just too much, I'd dump the item switches for more potions and another Guzma. I don't really like Zekrom here, there really isn't much worth hitting for lightning weakness except Ho-oh which will OHKO it anyways. I don't really think you need 4 Hoopa, when you're not running energy for it Hoopa is just kind of an auto win condition, if they fill their benches with GX crap you play it down and if they can't Guzma enough prizes to end the game off of your bench, you just slowly win.