Some more points for your consideration:
- After further testing and also playing in a local tournament this past weekend (note that GUR cards were legal), Item "wars" have started. Many players were running at least 2 Field Blower s and in some cases, an additional Eco Arm.
- One player used a mix of Fighting Fury Belts and Choice Bands in order to use the most effective Tool at the time. He ran at least 2 Field Blowers, maybe 3.
- From that experience, I also think 1 Shaymin EX and 1-2 Tapu Lele GX provides "plenty" of supplemental card-draw support. Should one decide to run 2 Shaymin EXs, these become greater liabilities mid-to-late game if you can't remove them from your bench (via Parallel City). IMO, a Tapu Lele GX is far more versatile, has significantly more HP, no Weakness, and has a solid attack that can potentially inflict significant damage. So, @HitagiCrab consider replacing 1 of your Shaymin EXs.
- As an alternative to Max Elixirs (my hit rate varies too much), I run Turtonator GX and Tauros GX. When I can start with either of these, I gain plenty of time to setup since most players do NOT want to attack either of these Pokémon early game... Lol.