This morning on the national US news, I heard this story again. This dog the soldiers adopted as their mascot attacked a suicide bomber when nobody else saw him slip in. She and two other boxes nearly killed him before he detonated himself, taking the other two with him. A soldier took Target back to his home in Arizona, hailing her as a hero. Last night she slipped out of the backyard and was picked up at the local shelter. When he went to retrieve her in the morning, she had been euthanised. I am furious, and literally cried at this. By law, you must give a healthy dog 2-3 weeks beore euthanisation is an option. I hope the idiot who had the audacity to kill her after less than a day burns in hellfire. He should be sued and put in jail. I'm considering a career in the armed forces and an animal lover, so this is particularly disturbing to me. I salute you dear soldier, and I am praying for the soul of that brave canine patriot.