Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (NEW: HOLIDAY SPECIAL!)

Tatertot said:
Lord Xerneas said:
Do you have any Male Heracross??

Not at the moment, but I'd be happy to breed one for you!

In exchange, would you be willing to trade:
-Female Charmander (egg moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Flare Blitz)
-Female Marill (egg moves: Belly Drum, Aqua Jet)

IVs don't matter too much, but at least 3 desirable ones on each would be wonderful. As long as they're female.

Do you think we can trade maybe tomorrow for the heracross??
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

PokeChimpo said:
Check my list for dry skin 5IV helioptile?

I like the 5 IV Skorupi!

Lord Xerneas said:
Do you think we can trade maybe tomorrow for the heracross??

Definitely! I never heard back, so I wasn't sure if you wanted it or not. I'll get breeding right away.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

I would like an E Speed Dratini please, I understand you're not going to be trading in a few days time so if you don't already have any bred the IVs aren't important I'd like a female please.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Freedomeon said:
I would like an E Speed Dratini please, I understand you're not going to be trading in a few days time so if you don't already have any bred the IVs aren't important I'd like a female please.

I'd love your Female level 16 Dwebble.

I should be able to get you a 5 IV one :)
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Brilliant, I think I have you added. I have a "Tate" in my friends list at least :)

When are you available to trade?
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Freedomeon said:
Brilliant, I think I have you added. I have a "Tate" in my friends list at least :)

When are you available to trade?

Well, I don't have any in stock currently, and I have a few other orders to get to first. So...New Years Day at the latest, probably.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

5IV Skorupi (which ability?) - Sp Atk
5IV Helioptile (Dry Skin) - ATK

Let me know which ability you want, might need to breed it out for you.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

PokeChimpo said:
5IV Skorupi (which ability?) - Sp Atk
5IV Helioptile (Dry Skin) - ATK

Let me know which ability you want, might need to breed it out for you.

Sniper, please. A female would be wonderful if you have one as well.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Tatertot said:
PokeChimpo said:
5IV Skorupi (which ability?) - Sp Atk
5IV Helioptile (Dry Skin) - ATK

Let me know which ability you want, might need to breed it out for you.

Sniper, please. A female would be wonderful if you have one as well.

Have Sniper but no female, I will however breed it out for you if you have time. Have good 5IV pairs so it shouldn't take long.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

PokeChimpo said:
Tatertot said:
Sniper, please. A female would be wonderful if you have one as well.

Have Sniper but no female, I will however breed it out for you if you have time. Have good 5IV pairs so it shouldn't take long.

Ok, fantastic!
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Interested in a mewteonite x?
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

pikadino said:
Interested in a mewteonite x?

Possibly, what would you ask for it?
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

I'm looking for the 5IV Dragonair, I also have a 5iv Honedge, I'll have to get the exact state for you if you are interested?
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

pikadino said:
I'm looking for the 5IV Dragonair, I also have a 5iv Honedge, I'll have to get the exact state for you if you are interested?

Wait, so you want to trade me a Dragonair and Honedge for my Mewtwonite X? I have no Mewtwonite X, I thought that was what you were offering me.
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

That is what I'm offering Haha I have a weird way of saying things the trade would be
my mewtwonite x and 5iv honedge
For your
5 iv dragonair
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

pikadino said:
That is what I'm offering Haha I have a weird way of saying things the trade would be
my mewtwonite x and 5iv honedge
For your
5 iv dragonair

Oh! Haha, ok. I only have Dratini, no Dragonair, but that sounds wonderful!
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Tatertot said:
pikadino said:
That is what I'm offering Haha I have a weird way of saying things the trade would be
my mewtwonite x and 5iv honedge
For your
5 iv dragonair

Oh! Haha, ok. I only have Dratini, no Dragonair, but that sounds wonderful!

That's fine I always get the two mixed up my FC is 3625-9297-7179 in game name is Icarus ill add you quick if you're available now
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Keeper of Night said:
CML for 4-5 IV female Dratini?
How about a female Ferroseed 31/31/31/x/31/0 with egg moves for a 5IV Dratini?

pikadino said:
That's fine I always get the two mixed up my FC is 3625-9297-7179 in game name is Icarus ill add you quick if you're available now

I don't have it bred yet, and it'll take a day or two. I'll let you know via PM when it's ready!
RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)

Works For me man!!