TCG: HGSS: Starlight


Uxie, Suxie.
'With as much power as there are stars in the sky, HG/SS - Starlight Will illuminate new doorways for strategies than ever before, with its 8 Pokémon-lv.X, like Roserade and Sorziar, and all-new forms of Rotom! Get ready to explore the new definition of the Pokémon TCG… Let the adventure begin!'

I know, it's cheesy. Oh well. On to the set list.

1. Jackhammer Rotom
2. Bronzong Gi
3. Celebi
4. Starwi
5. Oyspore
6. Mew
7. Purugly
8. Roserade
9. Heatran Gi
10. TV Rotom
11. Jynx
12. Magmortar
13. Weavile
14. Gliscor
15. Metagross

16. Sorziar
17. Smoochum
18. Pidgeot
19. Lunatone
20. Solrock
21. Meganium
22. Heracross
23. Typhlosion
24. Kabutops
25. Skuntank
26. Feraligatr
27. Scizor
28. Staraptor
29. Rotom
30. Omastar

31. Budew
32. Pidgeotto
33. Quilava
34. Roselia
35. Crocanaw
36. Starmie
37. Magmar
38. Luxray Gi
39. Orcaphin
40. Omanyte
41. Lanturn Gi
42. Metang
43. Magby
44. Bayleef
45. Magnezone Gi
46. Kabuto
47. Dunsparce
48. Grumpig

49. Relicanth
50. Staravia
51. Chikorita
52. Scyther
53. Spoink
54. Cyndaquil
55. Beldum
56. Lopspore
57. Sonaphin
58. Totodile
59. Starly
60. Glameow
61. Staryu
62. Torkoal
63. Sneasel
64. Sneasel
65. Pidgey
66. Gligar
67. Pachirisu Gi
68. Smoochum
69. Manectric Gi
70. Farfetch'd
71. Seviper
72. Zangoose

73. (Stadium) PitchBlack Stadium Uc
74. (Supporter) Arceus' Judgement R
75. (Supporter) Traitor Uc
76. (Trainer) Energy Volatility Uc
77. (Trainer) Helix fossil C
78. (Stadium) Sky Stadium Uc
79. (Trainer) Dome fossil C
80. (Supporter) Fossil Excavator Uc
81. (Tool) Leftovers Uc
82. (Trainer) Rare Candy Uc
83. (Energy) Special Metal energy Uc
84. (Energy) Special Dark energy Uc

85. Staraptor lv.X
86. Roserade lv.X
87. Rotom lv.X
88. Sorziar lv.X
89. Heatran Gi lv.X
90. Solrock lv.X
91. Lunatone lv.X
92. Mew lv.X

93. Feraligatr
94. Typhlosion
95. Meganium
SH1 Groudon
SH2 Kyogre
SH3 Rayquaza
…And that is it. My set list. And yes, I know there are a few made-up Pokémon here and there. Here's a list (not including the new Rotoms)

Scyther>Scizor> Sorziar

Oh, Gi = Gishin.

Purple=spoiler finished
Link=card fake finished!
Which Johto starter card is reprint...

Sky Stadium - [Stadium]
*Stadium rule*

Each Pokémon with [F] Resistance now has no Weakness and have 0 Retreat Cost.
Thanks for posting! They're Neo Genesis 5, 11, and 18.

Here's TV Rotom…
TV Rotom 90 hp {L}

(Poké-power) TV shift
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. TV Rotom's type is {P} until the end of your turn.

{C} Draw in
Switch the Defending Pokémon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

{L}{P}{C} Seizure 20+
The Defending Pokémon is now confused. If the Defending Pokémon is already confused, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage.

W: {D}+20 R: {C}-20 RC: {C}{C}

And Arceus' Judgement…
(Supporter) Arceus' Judgement

*Supporter Rule*

Each player's active Arceus does +30 damage to the Defending Pokémon until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Galloxys said:
{L}{P}{C} Seizure 20+
The Defending Pokémon is now confused. If the Defending Pokémon is already confused, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage.

That should've been a Porygon. XD

Anyway, nice set, but you chose to evolve a load of pokemon that are already amazingly powerful. That could go wrong easily.
Feraligatr Lv. 69 120 HP [W]
Stage 2 - Evolved from Croconaw

Poké-Power : Downpour
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a Water Energy card from your hand. This power can't be used if Feraligatr is affected by a Special Condition.

[W][W][W] Riptide 10+
Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage times the number of Basic [W] Energy Cards in your discard pile. Put all the [W] energycards on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward.

W - [G] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C][C]

It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast.

Typhlosion Lv. 57 100 HP [R]
Stage 2 - Evolved from Quilava

Poké-Power: Fire Boost
Once during your turn (before your attack), when you play Typhlosion from your hand to evolved 1 of your Pokémon, you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for up to 4 Fire Energy cards and attach them to Typhlosion. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[R][R][R][R] Flame Wheel 80
Discard 3 [R] Energy cards attached to Typhlosion. This attack does 20 damage to each Benched Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's). (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

W - [W] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C]

It has a secret, devastating move. It rubs its blazing fur together to cause huge explosions.

Meganium Lv. 57 100 HP [G]
Stage 2 - Evolved from Bayleef

Poké-Body : Wild Growth
Each basic [G] Energy card attached to your [G] Pokémon provides [G}[G] Energy instead. You can't use more than 1 Wild Growth Poké-Body each turn.

[G][G][G][G] Soothing Scent 40
The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

W - [R] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C][C]

The aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings.


I just noticed that sceptile (Ge) takes it's power
The Feraligatr and typhlosion is from a Jap promo.. meganium is from the main jap set

this is the attack of the Jap Promo Meganium

Lvl . 50 something to blur

Meganium Lv. 5? 100 HP [G]
Stage 2 - Evolved from Bayleef

Poké-Power : Herbal Scent
Once during your turn (before your attack), when you play Meganium from your hand to evolved 1 of your Pokémon, you may flip a coin. If heads, remove all damage counters from all [G] Pokémon in play.

[G][G][C][C] 40
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

W - [R] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C][C]

Meganium's breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. It can make them healthy again.

I updated the text

I updated the text
Mew lv.X 90 hp {P}

(Poké-power) Play around
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Move a Pokémon tool from Mew to one of your benched Pokémon. If you do, switch Mew with that Pokémon.

{*} Kidnap 10
Switch the Defending Pokémon with one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

W: {P} x2 R:_ RC: {C}

Staraptor lv.X 140 hp {C}

(Poké-power) Altitude
Once during your turn (before your attack), when you put Staraptor lv.X from your hand onto your active Staraptor, you may use this power. Prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, done to Staraptor during your opponent's next turn. (If Staraptor is no longer your active Pokémon, this effect ends.)

{C}{C} Slashing Dive 40

{C}{C}{C} Spin Flight 60
The Defending Pokémon is now confused.

W: {l} +30 R: {F}-20 RC: _
Rosearade lv X 120 HP {P}

Pokebody:poison Speed: All of your opponents active pokemon are poisoned. (This can't be used if Roserade is affected by a special conditon)

{G}{G} Speed Whip 50
This attack does 20 more damage for each special conditon the Defending pokemon is affected by.

{G}{G}{P}{P} Poison Strike 80
If the defending pokemon is affected by 3 or more special conditons this attack does 150 damage instead and 20 damage to each of your opponents benched pokemon.

Weakness {R} x2 Ressistance {G}-20 Retreat {C}
Heracross lv 36 HP 80 {F}

{F}{F}Horn Shot: 20x
Flip a coin for each Basic Pokemon on your oppenets bench. This attack does 20x the number of heads

{F}{F}{C}Rage Punch
Choose one of your oppenets pokemon. This attack does 70 damge to that pokemon (dont include weakness or resistance). Discard one {F} energy from Heracross.
Roserade lv 42 HP 70 {P}

{P}{P} Burning Whip 40
The defending pokemon is now burned

{G}{P}{P} Sleeping Aroma 30
The defending pokemon is now asleep and this attack does 30 damage to each of your opponents basic pokemon

Weakness {R} +30 Ressistance {G}-20 Retreat Cost {C}

Rotom Lv X 110 HP {L}

Pokepower: Form shift. Once during your turn you may choose any Rotom underneath Room Lv X and swap it with another card with Rotom in your deck (excluding Rotom Lv X)

Pokebody:Voltage: All electric type pokemon in play that don't have the word Rotom in its name (both yours and your opponents) have to pay +1 lighting energy to attack.

{L}{L}{C} Energy Volt 100
If this attack knocks out the defending pokemon then you may chose 1 of your opponents benched pokemon to be the next active pokemon.

Weakness: {D} x2 Resistance {P} -20 Retreat cost {C}{C}

Heatran Gi lv 54 90 HP {R}

Pokebody:Burning lava: If your opponent's defending pokemon is damaged by an attack from this pokemon the defending pokemon is now burned.

{R} Fire Wave 100
If the defending pokemon is not burned this attack does nothing

{R}{R} Flaming Slash 50

Weakness {W} x2 Resistance {M} -20 Retreat cost {C}{C}{C}
Heatran Gi Lv X HP 130 {R}

Pokebody: Burning disavantage If the your opponents active pokemon is burned all damage done by that pokemon is 30 less and it can't retreat

Heat Wave 80
Does 20 to every pokemon (both yours and your opponents) that is not {R} type
Jackhammer Rotom lv. 40 90hp{L}

Pokepower: Jack shift
Once during your turn (before you attack) you may use this power. Rotom is now {F} until the end of your turn.

{C} Drill
Search your deck for a Pokemon Lv. X and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

{F}{L}{C} Rock breaker 50+
If the defending Pokemon is {F}, this attack does 50+ 40 more damage. Then place 1 damage counter on Rotom.
Bronzong Gi lv. 68 HP90 {M}
Basic (SP)

{C}{C}{C} Hypnoburst 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of {P} Energy cards attached to Bronzong Gi. If this attack's damage would be reduced in any way, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

W: {P} x2 R: {R} -20 RC: {C}{C}{C}

Rayquaza 90 hp {C}

(Poké-power) Ozone Shield
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. All attacks done to Rayquaza are reduced by 30. This power can't be used if Rayquaza is affected by a special condition.

{C} Bite 20

{D}{D}{R}{R} Black Star
Discard all basic Energy cards attached to Rayquaza. This attack does 80 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon lv.X.

W: {C}x2 R: {F}-20 RC:_