So I've been going through the prices of BREAKpoint and Generations on TCGplayer as of late, and I can't help to point out:
- Leafeon EX, one of the most unplayable EX's of Generations, is worth 10 dollars. That's as much as the Full art Zapdos and Articuno, and even then it doesn't boast that collector's value. Is it because it's an eeveelution it's expensive? Well, similarily, vaporeon is 8 dollars, but still, there is no reason for even this 2 dollar difference
- Revitalizer has recieved little to no hype at all. Although it is the most playable new trainer from Generations, it's consistency boost it adds to the clunky Vileplume decks should have attracted higher prices. Isn't Vileplume generally regarded as very difficult to defeat if they pull a t1 Vileplume? I was able to get a playset for less than 2 dollars, and it just doesn't feel right.
- Darkrai EX Full art is starting to see a sudden price decline, from 12 dollars to 10, without much reason. This is not true at all for the regular art
- Gyrados-EX secret Rare is by far becoming devalued. You would think after the gold and silver games, it might hold some collector's value to snag it up by a little, but nope. It started at 15, and now is at 7.50 -- a dollar more than the regular full art. Though I must admit Mega Gyrados has been underwhelming to merit any value.
- Garbodor is dropping to 1.50. There isn't any reason for this rather than the fact that it hasn't seen any results so far, and it wouldn't provide concrete results in the first place. Unlike the visible power of Garchomp, Garbodor can wreck havoc (paired with M-Man) only on a increasingly ability reliant meta (Trevenant, Gallade/Octillery, Milotic, Shaymin-EX, Bats, Hypno, etc...). It's never going to be a "stale card", so it seems more than worth it to invest at this time
- SR VS seeker is approaching 30 dollars now. For all of you that got on the bandwagon when they were priced at 15, good job.
- Professor Sycamore is at 50 cents again. This was a problem pre-BREAKpoint when buying playsets for a new deck (they were 2 bucks a piece!). If you don't have a sufficient supply, now's the time.
- Double Colorless Energy is still 1.50 a piece. Ugh... It must be that despite being a reprint, the rarity of Generations boosters only meagerly boosts it's supply. Hopefully this will change later throughout the year due to Generations' Full Year Print.