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TDK deck :D


Destroyer of Worlds
Pokemon 11
  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 3 Kyurem PLF
  • 2 Thunderous EX
  • 1 Keldeo EX
  • 1 Absol PLF
Trainers 36
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Pokemon Catcher
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Plasmaball
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Ultraball
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Frozen City
Energy 13
  • 4 Prism
  • 4 Plasma
  • 3 W/L/M/F Blend
  • 2 Water
  • 1 Electric
Standard plasma deck, bangles for kyurem to put pressure on EX pokemon, float stones for keldeo to prevent status changes and scrappers to prevent garbador
what are the DCE for? If you don't run Lugia they're dead cards. I'd take them out and put in 1 water energy and 1 lightning energy.
see I totally forgot about lugia lol. The dce are in there cause most of the threads I read about for a TDK / plasma deck ran the 2 dce. I can get a lugia, should I add one?

I'm also concerned if I don't have enough kyurem?
Basically, if you want to run Lugia (I personally like it) here are the changes I'd make:

-1 Ultra Ball
-1 Thundurus EX

+1 Kyurem
+1 Lugia EX

Keep DCE.
I'll give it a try, I really like Lugia EX too haha.

I was always curious if 3 Thundurus was too much haha.
So I made the lineup changes and they're working out nicely.

But today I got messed up by a genesect ex / virizion ex deck because the kid ran 4 enchanted hammers, needless to say I was angry lol

is there anyway to prevent that? cause he was being smart, taking out my prism energys so deoxys became useless, over and over and over T_T
zCannibal said:
So I made the lineup changes and they're working out nicely.

But today I got messed up by a genesect ex / virizion ex deck because the kid ran 4 enchanted hammers, needless to say I was angry lol

is there anyway to prevent that? cause he was being smart, taking out my prism energys so deoxys became useless, over and over and over T_T

There's really nothing you can do about Enhanced Hammer except flop around like a fish out of water lol.
haha I was afraid of that! XD

added mirror and took out a colress, I'm not too sure about this change tho
i wouldnt really suggest shadow triad. What do you need it for? Pokemon can be gotten back with super rod, and plasma energy gotten back with thundurus ex. All you will be able to gain is colress machines and colress himself. But playing a supporter for supporter is kind of dumb when it could just be a Random Receiver and have that colress, juniper, or N right now. Other wise skyla can get you a colress machine as well as any other trainer card.
yeah colress machines or plasma balls are what i find myself spending skyla on

but I don't know why I would need triad I have just came across a few lists that run 1 or 2,
I was reading the plasma deck competetive thread and people mentioned triad being awesome but that may have been at the beginning of the entire post lol

Still haven't gotten to test Colress for the mirror, I only even added in the mirror because today I played like 4 mirror matches and didn't have it lol
Pokewiz1999 said:
zCannibal said:
So I made the lineup changes and they're working out nicely.

But today I got messed up by a genesect ex / virizion ex deck because the kid ran 4 enchanted hammers, needless to say I was angry lol

is there anyway to prevent that? cause he was being smart, taking out my prism energys so deoxys became useless, over and over and over T_T

There's really nothing you can do about Enhanced Hammer except flop around like a fish out of water lol.

There is actually something you can do to (slightly) combat Enhanced Hammers but it may require taking a slight hit to your Energy consistency.

Basically, you can run one or two of Basic Lightning and/or Basic Water Energy and possibly Energy Search as well to mitigate the lack of having an Energy to provide both. It may be worth it as more decks continually add Enhanced Hammer to their decks particularly decks like Virizion/Genesect, Darkrai/Garbodor, and Flareon as they have some room for a couple of them as tech cards. Obviously you might have to trim down on the Blends and probably axe Lugia with the DCE together, but again, if you find you can't deal with them as well, it might be worth it to you to do something about them.

dmaster out.
you're very right, I have seen it in more and more decks, and alot of plasmas are running lightning and water so its always been in the back of my mind,

TBH I've used lugia once (effectively anyway) since I've added him, lately all I've played were mirrors so thundy wrecks him over and over so i usually just hold him in my hand =\ EDIT: I swapped Lugia out for Absol and I'm currently testing the outcome of that change

EDIT: also I'm curious if I should take out my 2 frozen city for maybe 2 plasma balls
+1 to dmaster's post. Basic energies will save games for you. I currently run two water and one lightning and its been perfect.
zCannibal said:
you're very right, I have seen it in more and more decks, and alot of plasmas are running lightning and water so its always been in the back of my mind,

TBH I've used lugia once (effectively anyway) since I've added him, lately all I've played were mirrors so thundy wrecks him over and over so i usually just hold him in my hand =\ EDIT: I swapped Lugia out for Absol and I'm currently testing the outcome of that change

EDIT: also I'm curious if I should take out my 2 frozen city for maybe 2 plasma balls

I would try and leave those in. It makes your blastoise match ups just so much better. Just slap those on the field and you seriously cripple that deck.
-1 silver mirror (isn't really needed)
-1 blend (GRPD) (only needed if your running 2 absol)
-2 frozen city (not needed with virbank)
-1 tool scrapper (only 1 is needed)
-1 blend (WFLM) (bad against dark/garb)

+2 virbank (needed with lasers)
+3 Hypnotoxic laser (a better option than frozen city for an extra damage output)
+1 water energy (good against dark/garb)

Hope I helped
yeah my gf plays a blastoise deck, its nice to bump the beaches off the field, i only bring it up because Alot of the lists I've been lookin at don't run city so I was curious.

also i really really like absol over lugia, its another use for bangle and in the mirror I can swing for 180 just like kyurem, except I don't need keldeo to reset absol :)

yeah the blend isent really needed but I'm not sure where I stand on lazerbank, It never really bothers me when people do it to me, espicially when I have the keldeo + floatstone going. But I can't just write off the possibility of more damage, cause I mean if kyurem swinging for 180 wins me games, havin lazer bank goin may win me them faster. I may test it but I really don't know where I am on the subject.

I could honestly see adding in the 2 waters and the lightning, I'm just not sure where I'd make the room, I can take out the dark blend and maybe the mirror even tho it worries me to even think about taking it out :p

thanks for the help :)