TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Blah said:
Sigilyph is a dead card, mostly due to the fact that every metagame deck has a primary non ex attacker. Plasma has Kyurem, Darkrai has Absol, and Blastoise has Blastoise and regular Black Kyurem. Not to mention it would be extremely tedious to get energy onto it because Sigilyph isn't Plasma.


Not to mention if you don't retreat him, sigilyph dies to poison + virbank after a turn. Not that solid of an attacker at all.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

I'll recap, the 2 major problems with the card. It isn't a complete wall because of lasers, and it's infrequent for decks to be only ex's nowadays. The fact that it isn't a plasma pokemon simply means you can't search for it with plasma ball, or colress machine to it, and using 2 spots for a single tech (that may not even be able to pull off without using a decent amount of resources) simply is not worth the time.

Reiterating what Blah said, Sigilyph is a dead card.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Thanks for all the input guys, I think I will stick with Absol
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

So, if someone was looking into playing this for next Fall, what staples would they possibly need to collect between now and then, predicting the rotation to be DEX on?

Can't go to nats so I might as well prepare for next season, which I may or may not be going to nats (I don't like Indianapolis very much)
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Kyurem, Team Plasma Ball, Plasma Energy, and Colress Machine. Everything else is either general staple or being tinned.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Don't forget HTL and a few Virbank. Those are pretty important.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Serperior said:
Don't forget HTL and a few Virbank. Those are pretty important.

Given Virizion EX's presence I would say Frozen City would be a much better play.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Frozen City? Silver Bangle seems like a much better option than both of those. Gives Kyurem those OHKO's it wants.

Also, if the rotation turns out to be DEX-on (which seems unlikely but no one really has any idea) then this deck is going to take a major hit. Losing Prism gives the deck a lot of issues.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

RobertBenjamin said:
And now you are warming up to the Lando Ex/Coba Ex combo =p Just add a touch of Garbodor then voila! =p I would still want to playtest it with Shaymin EX to see if it works. I'd rather play test it and see for myself if it doesnt work.

For the record it was Blah who said Darkrai would eat my build and not the other way around ( but you seem to be a better reader than me) and that's how the ensuing offtopic mumbo jumbo got propagated.

I have tested coba ex landy ex and garbodor it wins against plasma 60 percent of the time just because it may not seem to hurt but the shut down on power connect is crucial and sets up many plays,kyurem counters landy but coba counters kyurem with 60 and discard blend or prism.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

^Except if you open with the wrong pokemon for the plasma matchup, your in such an awful position. For example, if you open Landorus vs a Plasma Kyurem and they get a t1 Frost Spear. That's an incredible amount of pressure the Plasma player is applying. Unless you can get a max potion, switch/float stone, Cobalion, Righteous Edge in one turn, you're screwed. I just don't see the Garbodor deck winning 60% of the time, but maybe in Seniors.

Anyway, Garbodor is mainly an X-3 deck, meaning that it'll go x-3 make cut, then lose to anyone competent.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

^ my entire opinion

Garbodor is a risky play because it essentially collapses to fast pressure (or any kind of attack whatsoever, as it doesn't have a very good offensive plan). It has a theoretical strong matchup against a majority of the format but it is deck just waiting to collapse when it comes to actual games. Plasma can utterly demolish it as long as you have a decent start. Kyurem can often take 3-4 prizes before Garbodor can do anything.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

I've had good (60% - 40%) results lately with my Garbodor deck vs. TDK which has perhaps been more "fined tuned" against TDK. My bigger concern is the TDK-inspired KDK deck (Kyurem-Deoxys-Keldeo) - this deck is a bit more streamlined than TDK since it has fewer "moving" parts.

I do agree with Blah in that "Garbodor is a risky play..." Although you can tech-out the deck for perhaps a particular matchup, you may pay a cost in other matchups.

It will be fun to review how well ths TDK deck is represented in the U.S. Nats T32. Good luck all.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

So Ive been facing a lot of Gothilite/accelagor in my local weekly tournaments as well as the usual mix of tier 1, 2, and rouge decks, so I finally got the last cards for my TDK deck and would like some advice on it I changed a few of the cards from the "standard" list.

Pokemon: 10

x4 Deoxeys EX
x3 Thunderus EX
x2 Keldo EX
x1 Kyurem PLF

T/S/S: 36
x1 Team Plasma Badge
x1 Team Plasma grunt
x2 Colress
x4 Team Plasma ball
x3 Ultra ball
x4 HTL
x2 Colress machine
x1 frozen city
x3 float stone
x4 catcher
x4 P. Juniper
x4 N
x2 Bianca
x1 Scramble Switch (ACE SPEC)

Energy: 14

x4 Prism energy
x4 Blend: WLFM
x4 Plasma Energy
x2 DCE

Now the deck is consistent as heck with so much draw I can get 3-4 deoxeys EX plus Thunderus EX out by turn 2-3. so I would like to know what techs/changes would you guys suggest? Like I said I run 2 Keldo EX because I see a lot of lock and conditions in my meta.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

While you may consider that list consistent, what with the 7 balls and supporter lines and what not, that doesn't make it a good list. The plasma badge and the grunt are completely unnecessary, and you're not playing enough actual attackers. Thunderus by itself can't win a game, what happens if your Kyurem is prized? I'm not going to throw a list at you, but find out what works for you, and figure out what does the most in certain match ups.

For example:

If your starting hand consist of Thunderus and Kyurem, and you don't know what your opponent is playing, which do you start with? What about if you had a ColressMachine and a Energy? How about an Ultra Ball and 2 energy?

On a side note, play 2+ skyla, and 3 colress machine. My supporter line for nats was:

4 Juniper
4 N
4 Skyla
2 Colress
1 Dowsing

7 balls is unnecessary btw.

(Edit: Sorry if that came across as mean or anything, I'm just an advocate of people finding out what is good on their own. So yeah, best of luck.)
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

What do you think the best approach for tdk taking on a goth deck???
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)


The stupid thing about Gothitelle is no matter how much you tech, there's no guarantees that they will work. Once the item lock goes up, you have to draw into everything, meaning you may not even see your techs until it's too late. Your best hope is probably to run 2 Keldeo and hope for the best, but in reality, you aren't the one controlling the game. It's in the Goth's player's hands whether you win or lose.
RE: Plasma (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Eh, Goth was fun while it lasted, now I'm waiting for them to rotate Darkrai. As much as I love the card it just doesn't have the fun playability as everything else lol.

So, with this new rotation, I'm thinking of adding in Eviolites to my TDK list, but I don't know where to add them. If I need to post my list I will, but it's really standard, just has a minor difference from most which is only running 2 Kyurem (because I have other attackers). Also is Tornadus EX PLF any good in the deck.