jdubs4lief Aspiring Trainer Member Sunday at 5:09 PM #22 Still upset about the masks not being tools exclusive to ogerpon
H HammockBoy Aspiring Trainer Member Sunday at 6:18 PM #24 I know a lot of folks are sick and tired of Ogerpon, but these are beautiful cards, and I’m glad we get to see their face (very cute).
I know a lot of folks are sick and tired of Ogerpon, but these are beautiful cards, and I’m glad we get to see their face (very cute).
Jdbeardsmith Aspiring Trainer Member Monday at 3:07 PM #25 Me and my full “reverse holo card Pokédex” binder sets are VERY happy these exist now and I don’t have holes with a hope and a dream a’la Eternatus and Kadabra
Me and my full “reverse holo card Pokédex” binder sets are VERY happy these exist now and I don’t have holes with a hope and a dream a’la Eternatus and Kadabra
EnhancedReality Aspiring Trainer Member Monday at 5:57 PM #26 I always get hyped when there's a new card reveal and then get immensely disappointed when I see the translation... like this is literally so trash
I always get hyped when there's a new card reveal and then get immensely disappointed when I see the translation... like this is literally so trash
Steen Rouge Scientist Member Monday at 8:13 PM #27 Unfortunately bulk but Ogerpon is my favorite Gen 9 Pokémon so I'm gonna get them all.