XY Team Flare: Creating a Beautiful World or Having a Secret Motive?

RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

idk I kinda like them

mostly just because of their outfits

they just too darn fly

I need those shades fo real

but seriously, I rarely do the games for the story, I just wanna catch all the pokemons and draw it out.

nuzlocke it then comic it
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Maybe they want to be rich so they can buy powerful weapons to capture the Legendary Pokemon.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

I can definitely see "building something huge and expensive" as part of their plans.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

I think they'll start with stealing money and then it will evolve into something they can't control, something that might have something to do with Xerneas and Yveltal
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Clearly the money goal is a diversion for some hidden, ulterior objective. Personally, I hope they're some kind of Mob/Mafia group that sets up legitimate businesses as a front to launder their ill-gotten money.

Or, they can be a once-legitimate corporation that uses its revenue to fund illicit activities under the radar. The activities could also not necessarily be illegal, but shady. For example, I remember reading in Forbes that McDonald's now gets 95% of their revenue from real estate, not from fast food.

Either way, if Xerneas and Yveltal represent life/destruction in the way we think they do, I'm sure Team Flare's ultimate plan will be to exploit one or both of them in order to control Kalos, and upon defeat, the moral of the story will be that the circle of life shouldn't be trifled with.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

So they can have a massive disco party, based on their looks.

But all joking aside, I think that the money goal is really a cover-up for something even bigger, having to do with DNA and the legendaries. What I think is that they captured two Pokemon, Sawsbuck and Noivern, to experiment on them, by modifying their DNA sequence, just to see if they could make them even stronger and have the Pokemon survive the process. The reason for this is that if the experiment was successful, they could sell the modified DNA sequence to trainers so they could make their Pokemon even stronger. However, the experimental gene was totally adsorbed by the Sawsbuck/Noivern, mutating them and accidentally creating Xerneas and Yveltal ("Xerneas" and "Yveltal" were the names of the experiment, so the resulting Pokemon inherited the names). Yveltal's new power caused it to go crazy and wanting to destroy everything (hence the "destruction" species name), similar to how Noiverns act, only a lot more intense. However, Xerneas was injured by the new super-gene, and had to be slightly robotized in order for it to survive(but not enough for it to receive a secondary Steel typing) (it is the "Life" Pokemon as science has given its life back). It also went crazy from the gene and augmentation, so it escaped from the lab and went back to the forest that was once it's home, but the gene would slightly radiate from it, causing the plants around it to grow, making people think that it was intentionally making the plants grow.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

CyberCat5555 said:
So they can have a massive disco party, based on their looks.

But all joking aside, I think that the money goal is really a cover-up for something even bigger, having to do with DNA and the legendaries. What I think is that they captured two Pokemon, Sawsbuck and Noivern, to experiment on them, by modifying their DNA sequence, just to see if they could make them even stronger and have the Pokemon survive the process. The reason for this is that if the experiment was successful, they could sell the modified DNA sequence to trainers so they could make their Pokemon even stronger. However, the experimental gene was totally adsorbed by the Sawsbuck/Noivern, mutating them and accidentally creating Xerneas and Yveltal ("Xerneas" and "Yveltal" were the names of the experiment, so the resulting Pokemon inherited the names). Yveltal's new power caused it to go crazy and wanting to destroy everything (hence the "destruction" species name), similar to how Noiverns act, only a lot more intense. However, Xerneas was injured by the new super-gene, and had to be slightly robotized in order for it to survive(but not enough for it to receive a secondary Steel typing) (it is the "Life" Pokemon as science has given its life back). It also went crazy from the gene and augmentation, so it escaped from the lab and went back to the forest that was once it's home, but the gene would slightly radiate from it, causing the plants around it to grow, making people think that it was intentionally making the plants grow.

That would be awesome for a back story story for the new team and the legends, it would awesome if you could the item back, like the DNA splicer :p why can't it be October yet why do they torture us, to release stuff almost a year a part, its just uhhhhhh
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

CyberCat5555 said:
So they can have a massive disco party, based on their looks.

But all joking aside, I think that the money goal is really a cover-up for something even bigger, having to do with DNA and the legendaries. What I think is that they captured two Pokemon, Sawsbuck and Noivern, to experiment on them, by modifying their DNA sequence, just to see if they could make them even stronger and have the Pokemon survive the process. The reason for this is that if the experiment was successful, they could sell the modified DNA sequence to trainers so they could make their Pokemon even stronger. However, the experimental gene was totally adsorbed by the Sawsbuck/Noivern, mutating them and accidentally creating Xerneas and Yveltal ("Xerneas" and "Yveltal" were the names of the experiment, so the resulting Pokemon inherited the names). Yveltal's new power caused it to go crazy and wanting to destroy everything (hence the "destruction" species name), similar to how Noiverns act, only a lot more intense. However, Xerneas was injured by the new super-gene, and had to be slightly robotized in order for it to survive(but not enough for it to receive a secondary Steel typing) (it is the "Life" Pokemon as science has given its life back). It also went crazy from the gene and augmentation, so it escaped from the lab and went back to the forest that was once it's home, but the gene would slightly radiate from it, causing the plants around it to grow, making people think that it was intentionally making the plants grow.

Why SAWSbuck and not Stantler for your theory?
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

CyberCat5555 said:
-theory that two other people have quoted snip-

I like this idea. Like, a lot. Legendary Pokemon resulting from ordinary Pokemon are nothing new, since the Legendary Beasts are said to have been a regular Fire/Water/Electric trio before they died in the Brass Tower's destruction. Most people say they were Eeveelutions but they could've been, like... Growlithe, Poliwag, and Mareep lol. Genesect's another arguable example, and Mewtwo is a human-created Legendary made from a natural one.
But anyways, the main problem I see with the theory is the typings. How do you get Fairy out of Normal/Grass? Or Dark/Flying out of Flying/Dragon? They just seem a bit too unrelated to really work.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Frezgle said:
CyberCat5555 said:
-theory that two other people have quoted snip-

I like this idea. Like, a lot. Legendary Pokemon resulting from ordinary Pokemon are nothing new, since the Legendary Beasts are said to have been a regular Fire/Water/Electric trio before they died in the Brass Tower's destruction. Most people say they were Eeveelutions but they could've been, like... Growlithe, Poliwag, and Mareep lol. Genesect's another arguable example, and Mewtwo is a human-created Legendary made from a natural one.
But anyways, the main problem I see with the theory is the typings. How do you get Fairy out of Normal/Grass? Or Dark/Flying out of Flying/Dragon? They just seem a bit too unrelated to really work.

They could have used machines for DNA altering which ultimately changed there types overall. big explosion happens and changes some old Pokemon from radioactivity into the new fairy type
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Raptor9229 said:
Why SAWSbuck and not Stantler for your theory?
I don't know, it just seemed a little more fitting, based on general body shape, but it also could of been Stantler, though.
Frezgle said:
CyberCat5555 said:
-theory that two other people have quoted snip-

I like this idea. Like, a lot. Legendary Pokemon resulting from ordinary Pokemon are nothing new, since the Legendary Beasts are said to have been a regular Fire/Water/Electric trio before they died in the Brass Tower's destruction. Most people say they were Eeveelutions but they could've been, like... Growlithe, Poliwag, and Mareep lol. Genesect's another arguable example, and Mewtwo is a human-created Legendary made from a natural one.
But anyways, the main problem I see with the theory is the typings. How do you get Fairy out of Normal/Grass? Or Dark/Flying out of Flying/Dragon? They just seem a bit too unrelated to really work.
The Dark/Flying from Flying/Dragon is not too Farfetch'd, the super-gene injected into it corrupted it (making it ax-crazy, changing the majestic Dragon-type into the petty Dark type, so it enhanced the destructive nature of Dragon types, specifically of Noivern, so much that it just mutated into a Dark type), and for Normal/Grass into Fairy, the super-gene also killed the plant growth on the once-Sawsbuck (or possibly Stantler), theoretically making it a pure-Normal type, then the gene continued to mutate it until the Normal type became Fairy type.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

CyberCat5555 said:
Raptor9229 said:
Why SAWSbuck and not Stantler for your theory?
I don't know, it just seemed a little more fitting, based on general body shape, but it also could of been Stantler, though.
Frezgle said:
I like this idea. Like, a lot. Legendary Pokemon resulting from ordinary Pokemon are nothing new, since the Legendary Beasts are said to have been a regular Fire/Water/Electric trio before they died in the Brass Tower's destruction. Most people say they were Eeveelutions but they could've been, like... Growlithe, Poliwag, and Mareep lol. Genesect's another arguable example, and Mewtwo is a human-created Legendary made from a natural one.
But anyways, the main problem I see with the theory is the typings. How do you get Fairy out of Normal/Grass? Or Dark/Flying out of Flying/Dragon? They just seem a bit too unrelated to really work.
The Dark/Flying from Flying/Dragon is not too Farfetch'd, the super-gene injected into it corrupted it (making it ax-crazy, changing the majestic Dragon-type into the petty Dark type, so it enhanced the destructive nature of Dragon types, specifically of Noivern, so much that it just mutated into a Dark type), and for Normal/Grass into Fairy, the super-gene also killed the plant growth on the once-Sawsbuck (or possibly Stantler), theoretically making it a pure-Normal type, then the gene continued to mutate it until the Normal type became Fairy type.

If the Xerneas and Yveltal's backstories were to resemble this in any way, then X/Y would automatically become both the darkest and most interesting games in the series. Maybe they could simply explain that Xerneas and Yveltal are the product of genetic experimentation on two existing Pokémon, and leave the identity of those two Pokémon up to fan speculation.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

I'm guessing its too develop tools to capture xerneas and yveltal. I mean what threat is an "evil" organization just selling fossils? Anyone could do that. There HAS to be something bigger. gamefreak wouldn't make their team this well... Underwhelming. Considering the schemes we've seen with past teams.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

TheFirePenguin said:
im guessing its too develop tools to capture xerneas and yveltal. I mean what threat is an "evil" organization just selling fossils? anyone could do that. there HAS to be something bigger. gamefreak wouldn't make their team this well... underwhelming. considering the schemes we've seen with past teams.

Clearly the whole fossil-selling racket is just the tip of the iceberg. It's just like in Yellow, when Team Rocket was looking for fossils in Mt. Moon. They just don't want to spoil too much of the plot too soon.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

FT10 said:
TheFirePenguin said:
im guessing its too develop tools to capture xerneas and yveltal. I mean what threat is an "evil" organization just selling fossils? anyone could do that. there HAS to be something bigger. gamefreak wouldn't make their team this well... underwhelming. considering the schemes we've seen with past teams.

Clearly the whole fossil-selling racket is just the tip of the iceberg. It's just like in Yellow, when Team Rocket was looking for fossils in Mt. Moon. They just don't want to spoil too much of the plot too soon.

Exactly, capturing Pokemon and obtaining fossils is just a side quest to their overall plans. Its just little bit of information they gave out ( I think) :D
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

i honestly think it would be nice if they just wanted money illegally it is actually realistic unlike creating another world but i dont play for he story so i dont care what the story is
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

thats actually a good question. maybe they are just normal gangsters trying to get rich. would be actually cool, im tired of all that saving the world crap. cant even see a reason why to bother with them...maybe the story will force you to get in high danger just to get back the stolen money LOL
i want the option in storymodus "help team flare and get rich"
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

DrEspeon said:
I think that GameFreak might just be going back to its roots. Remember the goal of Team Rocket? Maybe this could hint that they might do a second connecting region next gen. I am probably gaking this way too far, but who knows?

Seems very likely, as I have been receiving a major Red and Blue vibe here. Especially with Eevee, Snorlax, Charizard, Machoke, Mewtwo, Aerodactyl, etc. appearing in the gameplay. Maybe it's possible that Professor Oak may have a part in this story now, or maybe it's hinting towards something in the future? Or maybe it's just referencing the anime, as Eevee was used in the anime before Sylveon's reveal, and Ash's Charizard evolved when Aerodactyl kidnapped it... But, it's still possible they are making some Gen I or Kanto stuff have a spot in the game, I mean, Hyper Beam brought back it's Gen I sound and so on.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

xayshade said:
they tryna get paid to buy more outfits what else?

no seriously I could care less

If you couldn't care less, why post in this topic? :I
Above hidden since other post is unapproved *Drohn [/private]
I REALLY hope they've some hidden agenda behind their need of money.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Tsukeo said:
I REALLY hope they've some hidden agenda behind their need of money.

As do I, in fact I completely believe they have a hidden agenda.

Saying that their goal is money can mean many things. Why do they need the money? How are they obtaining the money? Those are questions to wonder when it comes to these guys.