Team Galactic

Thoughts on Team Galactic

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The Battle Factory must fall!!!
I'm just wondering what people think of Team Galactic in the anime. I have to admit that I'm a die-hard Team Galactic fan, and I think the anime did a great job with them. They appear to have the most success of any villainous team on the show. Opinions?
I'm definitely a big Galactic-fan (I even made a gigantic topic about them on the Norwegian Pokémon Forums!), and absolutely love them in the anime. This is, of course, the Japanese version I'm talking about. The English fails because they gave Saturn a failish voice. But yeah.

...Japanese Saturn is win. <3

And Saturn's Toxicroak is awesome in the anime. Especially when fighting Brock's Croagunk.
I'm not sure if I like Team Galactic yet.
There have only been a few episodes about them so far in America, but there's a lot of episodes about them coming up.
And I thought that Saturn's english voice was cool. :p
I like them in the game, they have done the most "evil" and accomplished the most. In the anime I want to see Mars and Jupiter, but they are pretty cool, I like how when Team Rocket was doing there intro they just attack and did NOT wait tell the end.
Has anyone seen episodes 96&97, or episodes 110&111? Those are the episodes that heven't aired out of Japan, and they seemed really interesting when I looked them up. Pluto cameo in 111!!!
There's a saying: "Better to trust the devil you know than the devil you don't."

so i say: "Epic Phail! Team Rocket all the way :p"

Team Magma/Aqua/Galactic, all focused on world domination by destroying it first...that's kind of disturbing if you ask me. At least Team Rocket remained within the realm of healthy thinking and a simple "Take over the world by force" kind of thing :p

Team Rocket
Team Rocket never relied on one or two Pokémon to do everything for them. Yes, i know Giovanni used Mewtwo. But he ordered his scientists to create a clone of Mew, tricked Mewtwo into following him, and then used him to bring fear to the people, he actually did something realistic.

Team Magma/Aqua/Galactic
"Let's go insane and unleash ancient Pokémon we can't even control to dominate the planet!!!"

But that's just my opinion :p
SixaxiS said:
Team Magma/Aqua/Galactic
"Let's go insane and unleash ancient Pokémon we can't even control to dominate the planet!!!"

LOL!!!BTW,do you know why team galactic wants dialga palkia and AMU???Because they want to UNDO the universe and REDO it with their vision.
Well Boss Cyrus looks like a combination of a zombie and an emo. What do you think "his vision" would be? I'd rather live on a planet filled with war and violence rather than the emotionless place Cyrus would turn it into.

and even so: ...unleash ancient Pokémon we can't even control...

The fact that they actually believe they can control such pokemon is unrealistic and downright insane :p
The Red Chain can shackle the Legendary Pokémon's power, so that it can be used for Team Galactic's plans. They could without doubt control it, if a stupid Pokémon Trainer didn't mess up their plans.

Aqua/Magma didn't have any way to control the Legendary Pokémon they released, and are therefore inferior to Team Galactic (when it comes to their plans).
SixaxiS said:
Well Boss Cyrus looks like a combination of a zombie and an emo. What do you think "his vision" would be? I'd rather live on a planet filled with war and violence rather than the emotionless place Cyrus would turn it into.

Cyrus loves Gitatina world,when he knew about it he quit his other dream anh chased that one.He wants a controlled world by him, that is all.
well thanks for the Platinum spoiler :p

FireMeowth said:
Aqua/Magma didn't have any way to control the Legendary Pokémon they released, and are therefore inferior to Team Galactic (when it comes to their plans).

Yet all of them revealed their plans to the very detail so you had absolutely no problem in stopping them. And to top it off, Cyrus gives you a friggin Master Ball!!! :D he allows you to ruin his plan with the throw of a single pokéball. Furthermore, he allows you to release Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit, who in turn ruined Cyrus' plan.

Real-life Pokémon movie? here's what Cyrus would look like!
IMO, I like Team Galactic even more than Team Rocket, as they are truly an evil bunch. After all, they intend to destroy our universe as we know it!
*Plays "It's the end of the world", LOL*
SixaxiS said:
Yet all of them revealed their plans to the very detail so you had absolutely no problem in stopping them. And to top it off, Cyrus gives you a friggin Master Ball!!! :D he allows you to ruin his plan with the throw of a single pokéball. Furthermore, he allows you to release Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit, who in turn ruined Cyrus' plan.

Bad guys are always supposed to reveal their plans. That's a law.
...And Cyrus didn't need the Master Ball, so why should he keep it (he had control over the Legendary Pokémon after using the Red Chain, so the Pokémon couldn't be captured anyways).

The only thing that stopped Cyrus was indeed allowing the player to release Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, but Cyrus couldn't know that they could destroy the Red Chain, so he was quite sure he didn't need to hold them captured anymore.
If he knew about that, there's no way he would let the player release the three, and his plans would have succeeded.
I doubt Cyrus will be so complying in the anime. It ought to be an interesting episode(s).

Also, in the anime, the Red Chain involves the stolen meteors from Veilstone. I wonder how the gems from Uxie, Mespirit, and Azelf will be involved?
FireMeowth said:
SixaxiS said:
Yet all of them revealed their plans to the very detail so you had absolutely no problem in stopping them. And to top it off, Cyrus gives you a friggin Master Ball!!! :D he allows you to ruin his plan with the throw of a single pokéball. Furthermore, he allows you to release Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit, who in turn ruined Cyrus' plan.

Bad guys are always supposed to reveal their plans. That's a law.
...And Cyrus didn't need the Master Ball, so why should he keep it (he had control over the Legendary Pokémon after using the Red Chain, so the Pokémon couldn't be captured anyways).

The only thing that stopped Cyrus was indeed allowing the player to release Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, but Cyrus couldn't know that they could destroy the Red Chain, so he was quite sure he didn't need to hold them captured anymore.
If he knew about that, there's no way he would let the player release the three, and his plans would have succeeded.

If Cyrus was actually smart instead of showing insanity of Dr. Evil-like proportions, he'd actually NOT take the risk of allowing you to release AMU, and he wouldn't risk giving you a Master Ball.

I'm only saying Pokemon D/P/P is full of plot holes compared to previous games, and that's all Team Galactic's fault :p

Cyrus made all kinds of unlogical choices compared to Giovanni, who actually had a realistic plan for world domination. Game Freak made a bitch-move by making all those new "Teams".

Team Rocket is all we ever needed IMO
...The Master Ball couldn't affect Cyrus' plans in any way. He saw the player as a great trainer, and therefore presented him/her with a special item (the world was going to be reborn anyways).
And maybe Cyrus didn't want to harm the Lake Trio more than neccessary (because he's so nice and awesome and stuff :3), so he let them go, unaware that they could damage his plans.

I see no plot holes at all in D/P/t, really.
FireMeowth said:
...The Master Ball couldn't affect Cyrus' plans in any way. He saw the player as a great trainer, and therefore presented him/her with a special item (the world was going to be reborn anyways).
And maybe Cyrus didn't want to harm the Lake Trio more than neccessary (because he's so nice and awesome and stuff :3), so he let them go, unaware that they could damage his plans.

I see no plot holes at all in D/P/t, really.

I'm only saying even if Cyrus didn't see any harm, a true genius wouldn't have risked anything at all, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, and a Masterball, can screw up a plot for world destruction :p

now let's stop arguing about it cuz you know i'm right :p
The Master Ball couldn't ruin anything in his plan, so please stop mentioning it.
And it would take a much smarter person than a rocket scientist to realize that Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf could destroy the Red Chain. There's no way anyone should be able to suspect such a thing, anyways.

...I stand corrected (by myself, meh). There's a plot hole in D/P/t:
Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf shouldn't be able to destroy the Red Chain. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.