BW/BW2 Team Plasma Thoughts

I COMPLETELY AGREE. See, look, someone who has an imagination and is probably a decent RPer.
Anyway, if my dog was just killed brutally right in fromt of me, i'd explode.
It is a video game, we are allowed to discuss any ideology considering the much deeper plot of Black and White.

One thing I have to discuss is the concept of truth and ideal- either Reshiram or Zekrom- the legendary Pokemon of truth and ideal, respectively- appear to either the player or N in either version of the game, as they have chosen their hero.

This means- is the player character's idea of Pokemon and people together truth, as they depend on each other and the whole world is balanced around them- or is it ideal- to see a world where Pokemon and people live together in harmony despite it being simpler to keep them separate?

What about N's ideology? Is his concept of separation of man and monster truth, as men truly are using these powered pets to their advantage and them being harmed all of the time, or is it simply and ideal- based off of N's experience of seeing abused Pokemon in his childhood and wanting to separate trainers and Pokemon to keep them safe for his own wellbeing?

As for Team Plasma- some of them actually believe in this ideal of liberating Pokemon, while others realise the full truth of Ghetsis's plan and simply play along.

There are many other examples of truth and ideal applied to different characters throughout the game, such as Cheren and Bianca.

These games make one think!
N witnessed pokemon abuse? i dont remember that. i want to do a second play through. i really liked this game for the deep ideals and the way it brought out team plasma. it wasnt like team galactic where there plan was unrealistic and you couldnt relate. plasma brought good points to the table. and when you get to nimbasa city ghetesis makes his speech (is it nimbasa?) if you talk to the towns people they are pretty split on if ghetesis was right or not. i really like it
catutie said:
^ you can but as brought out it is a game. if team rocket in the game took a trainers poke and slaughtered them in front of them you would probably be shocked/angry/vengeful/sympathetic or any combo of them. same can apply to poke. you go and grind and you take out 100+ poke other poke might become shocked/angry/vengeful/sympathetic or any combo of those...but this is all hypothetical lol it takes a big imagination to think how poke feel lol

My earlier point about not applying human values to pokemon ties in to the team plasma ideology. They want pokemon to be "free" and to be "equals", but their claims are based on the human definitions of freedom and equality. That's where things are wrong. Human values are not absolute and universal.

If a pokemon kills another pokemon, the human reaction to such a thing will be different from a pokemon's reaction. The human reaction of being shocked at seeing a pokemon die is instinctive in nature, it doesn't really have much to do with ethics or morals. There is also no laws or regulations saying "it is wrong to do this or that" to a pokemon, and so on. Even if you look at real life scenario, real animals don't have the same level of legal protection from cruelty as animals. Is that wrong? Is that unfair? There is no absolute answer.
^^ Yeah N only met abused pokemon letting him understand the mmore, hate people, and let ghetis use him much more easily
My thoughts? They're weaklings who have insane beliefs, because of N, Team Galactic, they were all right, but these guys, I just find them less of an evil organization. N? At first I thought people were overacting calling him insane, every time I talk to him, he just seems really weird. But there Goal is interesting, and I think they're better than Aqua and Magma, in my opinion.