Team Pokebeach

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betrayed by the game
Team PokeBeach


Team Mascot

Clan Description
I was kinda bored so I made a clan to battle on shoddy.


* Evasion Clause:
o You are banned from using any move or item which may enhances your evasion. If your risk it with a move that has a chance at it but is not 100%, and it does indeed raise your evasion that will be an auto-loss.
* Freeze Clause:
o You may not freeze any two of your opponent's Pokemon at the same time. With this clause checked Shoddy Battle will not allow two or more Pokemon to become frozen.
* OHKO clause:
o All moves which cause an automatic KO on your opponent's Pokemon are banned from being used. This includes but is not limited to: Fissure, or Sheer Cold.
* Self KO Clause:
o If it gets down to you and your opponent each have 1 remaining Pokemon you cannot use a move which will force a tie such as Explosion to kill yourself and your opponent.
* Sleep Clause:
o You are cannot have more then one of your opponent's Pokemon asleep at any one time. If my Breloom gets hit and effect spore rubs off on the defending Pokemon and puts it to sleep, you are banned from using another sleep move. Or if you use a move such as sleep powder to put a Pokemon to sleep if any other Pokemon on your opponent's team remains asleep.
* Soul Dew Clause:
o No Pokemon in you're team or your opponent's team may hold the item Soul Dew.
* Species Clause:
o You are banned from having two of the same species of Pokemon in your team. So for example I cannot have two Pikachu's in my team. This includes doubles.
* Timed Battle:
o This is to prevent your opponent from stalling you out of a match by taking forever and then you might be forced to leave a match. If this clause is turned off, your are taking a huge risk.
* Uber Clause:
o All uber Pokemon are banned from play, unless you are participating in an uber battle.

Clan Record


The Assassin​

How to Apply:

Shoddy Username:
Reason for joining:

This is a competitive clan
Is this a clan like like the first Team PB where you can join this and anouther, or is this like Team D?
Shoddy Username: Pride
Age: 21
Reason for joining: The soon to be best clan, needs the best
Shoddy username: Shadowzelf/gamercal
Age: 22
Reason for joining: Can't be the best without me now, can it? ;D
Oh. Well that's ok, you will just have to accept that you won't ever be the best unless I'm here ;D

Let's see this one do better than before huh? xD

I've been trying to make this team for ages now and I cannot for the life of me finish it up... so annoying. Basically involving the use of CB Dnite and Aggron together, since they compliment each other well in typing and both utterly destroy everything that comes in their way. Problem is I can't seem to work out what I want to go WITH them that doesn't completely destroy the team's resistance to other threats... like I kinda want a grass type for the useful Ground/Water resists, and Scarf Rotom is very good as a revenge killer thing, but beyond that I really don't have much to go with. Since I still need SR on there, and finding things with adequate defences that AREN'T destroyed by TSpikes is proving impossible...

I dunno. It's quite possible I am overthinking it, but it's annoying me.
Shoddy name: 6-Dimension
Age: (bah! I dislike sharing my age online!) 14
Reason: Because Competitive Battling is fun, and a good team to help me get better would be cool.

@Cal: Something defensive that doesn't get killed by TSpikes is Forretress. Maybe I'm totally missing something, but whatever.
Shoddy Username: Sigrun
Age: 16
Reason for joining: I have nothing better to do and if I was going to join a clan it would be this one
Shoddy Username: Riskbreakers
Age: 17
Reason for joining: [11:15] <Umbreon> rb go join team pb
I also <3 Plates :>
Shoddy Username: Juliacoolo (I can also do PO)
Age: 14
Reason for joining: Practicing and improving skills regarding competitive battling.
Shoddy Username:pDC
Reason For Joining: I really want to improve my skills. Recently they have been lacking. One day I hope to be as good as KG and Pride. I hope this can get me there.

Note: I quit Team D for the time being. Will come back some i'm here only temp.

Ok everybody, recently I made a new team using Dnite/Celebi/Heatran/Gyarados/Blissy/Jirachi. However, idk if it's good or what to fix. Infact, I want to build an offence team but I can almost never finish it. I get stuck and don't know what to add. I hope you guys can help me.
Guys, this clan isn't a tutoring program. I advise you to stay in your current clan as we won't offer any kind of tutoring. We are just here to battle with other clans.
Everyone should be PMing their applications. This thread is already getting mucky.

dmaster out.
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