Team Pokebeach

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i threaten encourage all of you to join the tournament I have made : ]
We have the best of the best, and Gale. :p

Anyway, no word on the clan war with Team Dimensional, but just incase the 6 players that will participate will be -

  • Gamercal
  • The Assassin
  • CCloud
  • Limitless
  • Riskbreakers
  • Pride
  • Plato
Limitless said:
Why is it an even number? >.<

5 or 7 bro.

Good point, we'll take Cal out.

Or we can add Gale in, w/e. Still didn't know he battled competitively... :eek:
Plato said:
I'll play, that way we'll have 7.

lol, didn't see you not on the roster... yeah, way better than Chris. The roster is still pretty good even if Cal has to be on here I guess. 8)
Alright guys. It's time we start playing some of these other clans. I'll talk to PDC about having a 7 on 7 war to get started. From there we shall progress.
Here are the matchups for our clan war with Team Dimensional.

Pride vs PDC
gamercal vs Muddy68
Plato vs Dragonexpert
Limitless vs Black Charizard
CCloud vs PMJfan001
The Assassin vs Charizard88
Riskbreakers vs Void

Good luck to everyone.
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