RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Important Anouncement! Read post 239!
k. so today was canadian nats. i went with jumpluff with shaymin.
B4 tourny
i wake up at 8 go to tim hortons for breakfest. 10 mins later we get to the hotel. me and my bro get some cards we need and register. we hang out with my friends nevoh kyle nick and cameron. then pairings are up after a while
Round 1 V.S Willam Cheung W/ Kingdra
Yayyy a crobat g start. i went first and passed. he did a bunch of stuff like put bts get a kindra prime out e belt it and get out a claydol and uxie. he attacks and DONKS ME WTF
I hang ut with em i buy two japanese hgss packs. first pack i let kyle open and i pull lugia legend( both peices) i let nevoh open the next one and i pull a litograph and tyhplosion prime LOL
Round 2 V.S Flygar
I get a t1 jumpluff and he starts with trapinch. I play 1 bench and do 40 to him. Next he evolves to flygon and plays down a trapinch. My tuen i draw and knock out the flygon. so he then scoops
once again the waiting time is long and my dad gets me some lunch. we get harveys and i talk to some friends
Round 3 V.S Flyphan
I get a crobat g start and he gets a baltoy start. i get the t1 jumpluff and do 40 to him. he drawws and evoolves to claydol. when i draw he says good game
Round 4 V.S Luxchomp
well b asically he kept flash biting and dragon rushing my benched pluffs so i lost
Round 5 V.S T-Tar spread
i get 3 jumpluffs out t3 and he gets a t-tar prime out but i k-o it quickly. so he cant draw nrgs so i pwn him
Round 6 V.S Blazechomp
as soon as i saw a blaziken fb i thought i was screwed. i get 2 pluffs out but once again they get dragon rushed. i got nothing so i scooped
so i did better at nats then regs so thats cool
the cowboy LOL
meeting reed
2 awesome jap packs
doing better at nats then at regs
free garchomp t-shirt
the puff ball

coca cola
free hgss sleeves
giratina sleeves
9 hours there
long time between rounds
getting donked
noobs cheating on my bro
facing a blaziken deck
EDIT: piplup my local card store makes custom playmats so i think i can get a custom team renegade one