Team Rockets Pokemon


ok jesse has wobbafet and dustox and seviper andjames has cacnea and carnivine what do u think the future will be 4 them and who will they catch i think jessie will find the kid with her likitounge and trade it back in dp season 2 and it will evolve and i think she or james will get tangela and it will evolve to tangrowth
or they will get a scorupi
This is what I believe:

~Cacnea will evolve into Cacturne
~Will catch Budew/ Roselia/ Roserade

~Will find (a) Lickitung and evolve it.
~Will catch Stunky/ Skuntank
Here is the link:

And yes James is going to his Cacnea to Gardenia.
Wow.. for sure I thought Canea would Evolve into Cacturne. Well, now I think James will get Snover, Budew or line, and or Paras/ Parasect XP

My opinion stays for Jesse.
AWWW I WANTED JAMES TO KEEP CACNEA =( O well i think he might get a skoroupi or a tangela, something that will hug him and then hurt him!
I Think James Will get a Snover It Looks Simalar to Cacnea and
Imagine What It Could Do To Him
James might get Snover. But then again he might not get anymore pokemon at all. Also I dont think Jessie will release her Seviper until/if there is A fifth gen.
I don't think that Jesse will give up her Seviper.. if anything.. she will lose Wobbofett in some way. Jesse would probably get more serpant Pokemon, like Lucy. :p