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RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

7Lucario7Master7 said:
PokeKid Brandon said:
^Have you ever met him and how would you know that?

he said that in worlds last year he should have won top 4 cuz of stalling when the game was in overtime at 1-1, how can stalling change the game when next prize wins? like come on, also I want Paul.A to win cuz I know him! but then again im going to grind in and win it so no point in anyone els entering.

He got stalled out to that point where next prize wins. He was mad beacuse he lost. I would be mad if I lost in top 4 and had a chance to win.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

^ um no, they were in overtime and jason was thinking cuz he was going to make his epic play and geno thinks that he should be called for stalling when the game was ALREADY in overtime. I read both genos and jasons report and they had been in overtime for a bit.
P.S lets drop this cuz i dont wanna spam up this place.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

3 questions:

1. Do the clans in the Video Game section count for this as well? Meaning can I join here too?
2. Are you accepting new members?
3. Any requirments for joining???
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

^read the first page and yes you can join as many clans as you want is that is your question.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

What does everyone think of the HGSS set? not a discussion until we get the first scans.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

eh, its a set based off a game so i dont see the best stuff coming out of it, cuz they have to put pokemon in it and they dont choose, maybe we will get good stuff but i dont see it having alot.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

I see a potential team rocket SPs. I want a groudon lv. X. Shinys are propably Pichu, Gyarados, and Maybe Rayquaza.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Well if you guys dont mind a noob like me, then I'll join.

Name- Shadoworganoid (screen name)
Division- Masters....
Position- Normal member, thats all.
Qualifications-Umm...I just play the game thats all.
anything else?- I've ranked high in the city tournys before. Took second place last season in the Vancouver City tourny.

Did I leave out anything???
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Sorry for being inactive, I was gone for 2 weeks and I forgot to post that I was leaving.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Nevermind me joining...Not active enough for my likings. LOL (no offense)
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Guys, I'll be leaving on Friday to go on vacation. So I might not be as active as usual. Just lettin' you know! :)
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Ty for telling us. Max it's fine, just post when you're leaving in the future.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

hey, dose anyone think gengar/amphorose could be good? i mean it would make gengars sniping alot easyer and you dont even need to play crobats,maybe a spiritomb or two.
P.S i leave wensday and im not back till like a few days before worlds so im not going to be talking much.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Yes, I mentioned that earlier, and it does seem like a good idea. Cool thing is, when the opponent plays a supporter, you add 10 damage to all of your opponent's pokemon, and you can snipe off a Uxie or Azelf with Gengar. It also increases the damage output of Poltergeist, unless the opponent wants Ampharos to spread instead. Once we find a way to stop Nidoqueen without locking up Ampharos (I'm looking at you, Dialga...), this deck might see more play. But for now, it's a rogue.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Gengar lv. X even helps wth the mirror. you're onto something! but there are better decks out there.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan- Now with banner. WE WON REGS.! Recruiting

Like I said, once we find a way to counter Queen, the deck will be on to something. But Queen's too popular to safely play this combo.
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