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RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan WE WON REGS! 6th at CANADIAN NATS!

I think that it is 3-4 Lv.X 2-3 Shinies and 2-3 Reprints.

I also want it to be in orlando as I live there!!!.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan WE WON REGS! 6th at CANADIAN NATS!

Liam. And a draft is where you get 6 packs. you open one, take a card and pass it in a circle of 9 people. you do that with each pack. then you make a 40 card deeck with basic energy provided. Then they have a tournament. you're guaranteed 1 extra pack at the end, but placing gets you extra. I got 9 extra packs for first at RR. Good to see Team Rook representing at Grinders!
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at GRINDERS! all are welcome!

hey guys, idk why im doing this but this is my final grinders list!
3-1 palkia G
2-1 luxray gl
3-1 Uxie
1/1 Azelf
1-brongzong G
2-unown G


3-power spray
3-Sp radar
1-Premier ball

Its was working very well in testing today so i think this is THE PLAY!
P.S XD its me Lucario-master and i posted the deck on my friends accont without even knowing XD
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at GRINDERS! all are welcome!

For grinders, I'm using Speedgar.... that deck looks good... I'll see you their
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at GRINDERS! all are welcome!

hey guys, gess what......

i grinded into worlds
heck ya! im playing my friends AMU for worlds XD\, i know it sounds fail but i know it will do better then my deck in worlds.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at GRINDERS! all are welcome!

Lucky!!!! I almost made it... if I had won my last round, I would have made it...:(
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at GRINDERS! all are welcome!

7Lucario7Master7 said:
hey guys, gess what......

I grinded into worlds
heck ya! im playing my friends AMU for worlds XD\, I know it sounds fail but I know it will do better then my deck in worlds.

RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at GRINDERS! all are welcome!

W00t! We're representin' at worlds now!

7Lucario7Master7, you're changing decks for worlds?
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

What was your list? Mr. Random, I'm in WA! be back by pr.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

omg best pr ever
2-blaziken fb lv.x s traded one for garchomp i had 3 =]
2-garchomps c lv.x
1-absol g lv.x
shiny good relicanth and 3 rh chatot gs
3 rh blaziken fbs
plus my friend jaysin top 16ed world and lost to sebastian crema from canada.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

lol i know.
ive got a sweet BLG deck built
its undefeated against metal gengar and rayquaza. im not worried about palkia or absol.
imo absol is the most over rated card EVER
built luxsol and gengar beat me(the decks best concievable match up)
plus gechamp is going to get huge because the only good decks that this set gave were sp builds
ill post my list later or tomorow i promise youll all laugh.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

^i normally hate trading but it actually wporked out for me lol.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

hey guys, in the end i didn't change my deck just changed the legos list a bit,
i did end up going 4-3 and coming 44th but in the 6th round a made a major misplay and lost =(
w/e, im happy i grinded into worlds!
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

congrats and 4-3 got you 44th how many people played?
i overestimated this tournement i believe..
i need to qualify and go next year.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

trust me you didn't 124 players and they all play good decks, you dont get easy wins in worlds and thats what makes it the top.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

i understand that no win is easy especially at worlds but it really has a lot to do with what deck you played(legos in your case) and im also assuming you are a senior. and the senior meta had alot of flygon and gengar.which legos has good match ups with.
if you would tell me what decks you played and beat you or you beat it would be all to easy to tell you how you got your record.
im not doubt or bashing your skill level im just saying you made a good meta read and it carried your wins along with your skill. i also would have played legos but i would be in the masters division. becuase flygon and gengar were popular and power locking can have a good result against most rogues and sinse legos wasnt as expected as luxape or flygon the rogues would be trashing them. hence why speedrill won.
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

Division- Seniors
Position- Normal Member
Records this year- No idea. If league counts probably 11-7
Why you want to join- I would love to get better at the TCG
anything else?- Nope
RE: ~Team Rook~ A TCG clan Representin' at WORLDS! all are welcome!

It's about time we have a new member. NEW TOPIC: SV metagame.
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