Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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PDC: We'd love to war with you guys. However, it would best be half and half. Half Shoddy and half Wifi.
Also, we dont have enough members.
For a half and half war we need 10 members. 5 for crappy cough cough Shoddy cough cough and 5 members for Wi-Fi.:)
Hey there is a new wifi clan so once they get enough members then we can challenge them to a war. Their name is: Beach Wifi Clan
Rotom-Cut said:
You did forget about doing 6 members for Good Shoddy and Meh Wi-fi.

- Rotom-Cut

Yeah probably because I have not had a battle in a very long time now XD.:)
i mean seriously you guys should just drop this clan its not even worth the time once you guys get control of this ill be back PEACE i quit and im going to another clan:(
How can you guys just loose your desire for battle? The thing to do is KEEP TRYING. You don't just give in and give up. You keep trying until you get it right. Sure it might take awhile but you don't just give up. I would do battles but only 2 members have requested in the past 6 months or so. WE HAVE WAY TOO MANY MEMBERS ON SHODDY. THAT'S THE PROBLEM. Way too many members think they can get by using Shoddy which in fact their ways of using wi_Fi is slowly disenergating and they are starting to forget how to EV' train. If those would GET OFF OF SHODDY we would be more active like we wer about 14 months ago. Shoddy IS an illegal program and why is Shoddy so important? Those on Shoddy have probably forgotten how to battle on Wi-Fi. I bet if we challenged the shoddy members they would loose hands down on Wi-Fi now because they have not done a TRUE battle for so long so I would like to see a Wi-Fi battle now on a Shoddy user that does not use Wi-Fi. Members like PDC and those who don't use Wi-Fi now will loose hands down and also the Pokemon must NOT be AR EV'd A true battler uses the long EV'ing way and battles legitamently and has not used an AR to EV train.:)
Hm? Fine. Think thats true? Well then, we'll war you guys. Also, Shoddy is called training. It's hard to get good on Shoddy without wasting time you don't have. Also, Shoddy is better. Wi-Fi is slow, laggy, and of course, not many experienced players use it. All that FC crap is also annoying. EV'ing takes time which alot of us could spend doing something else. Also, how is shoddy illegal?
palkia dialga clash said:
Hm? Fine. Think thats true? Well then, we'll war you guys. Also, Shoddy is called training. It's hard to get good on Shoddy without wasting time you don't have. Also, Shoddy is better. Wi-Fi is slow, laggy, and of course, not many experienced players use it. All that FC crud is also annoying. EV'ing takes time which alot of us could spend doing something else. Also, how is shoddy illegal?

On Shoddy's site THERE IS NO COPYRIGHTS.HELLO.Doesn't that tell you right there it is illegal? Shadelon told me about it a few months ago and he said this "On Shoddy's site there is no copyright showing so this means Shoddy IS an illegal program"

Shadelon: If this is stil true please back me up on this as you were the first to tell me about the illegality of the program. Thanks in advance. If I am not mistaken you were the first to tell me right?:)
I could beat any one of you in Wi-Fi i ev train my pokemon the hard way and it took me 2years on my paltuim game to get my team what it is today so i could be beat any one of you and i do shoddy a lot to so send me a pm if you want to lose to me

Edit: even threw this is no place for me to talk just wanted to point out that if you do shoddy you can still be good in wi-fi
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