Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Well you for sure need Shaymin, and Nidoqueen helps with the tanking. So...I mean if you are just going to run offensive Tangrowth dont run Nidoqueen, but if you are running HealGrowth, run Nidoqueen.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Name (real, or screen name): Wailmerman
Division: Master
Region: SOCAL!!!!!!!
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): Check mah siggy
Current Deck(s): Testing a LOT of them
Anything else?: ...
Can you make banners?: no
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I'll add you WalmerMan, but you'll need tot ell me what "SOCAL" is first. >__>

Seth, I'm going more offensive, and if I run both Shaymin and Nidoqueen, I won't have room for sceptiles or Lefeon Lv. X.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Name (real, or screen name):JC
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals):10-5
Current Deck(s):RampChamp, Rouges, blaziken
Anything else?:
Can you make banners?: yes.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Name (real, or screen name): Richkid50000
Division: SR
Region: Midwest
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 4th at BRs
Current Deck(s): Blazeraychomp
Anything else?: noope
Can you make banners?: not yet

I think i joinged awhile ago but was never added. i need help on my deck. i am getting another Luxray X soon and am wondering 2-2 line or 3-1?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

POT told me I was in, so I'll start discussing.

How do you think shuppet will fair. It dominates with a good list, but It can barely do anything to Flygon to gengar. It can't OHKO them, and they can always retreat out of a big hit. Then your opponent just keeps taking a crobat or whatever. Any suggestions for a counter?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Yes. Run Shuppet with spiritomb. Total setup lock. Or, run it with Mr. Mime Supreme Victors to prevent OHKO's, and Mr. Mime Mysterious Treasures to prevent all damage and effects of damage by Pokémon with 2 or less energies. [this way, they don't OHKO you all the time, and it pwns against SP, no poketurns, no energy Gain, etc.]

[rich kid is in. lol]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Yaya im in again. and i think shuppet will do well. gengar is going to go big this season so that will be the telling point at cities.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Already have a shuppet/spiritomb list on the deck forum. I call it shuppy, and it beats a lot of things in the format.


RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I beat a Shuppet donk/TM. Inator(weird list I know) today at a tourney, going undefeated w/ my Gengar list. So no, Shuppet does nothing to Gengar. Why? Ooo look at me take back these plus powers which are TRAINERS back into my hand. Which gives Gengar OHKO ability with the snap of a finger.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

mmm, I don't think Shuppet really is going to do well. I mean, if we wanted to have that ability, we'd use Shooting Stars. [Starmie LA w/ Jumpluff SW.] I'll add you wailmerman.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

dumb question here but 2-1 luxray or 2-2?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Depends on the deck. What is it paired with? Is its Infernape, run 2-1. People normally don't run a 2-2 Luxray, because its not really an attacker so much as a support, so 2-1 is probably best.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

odd deck but blaze lux and garchomp.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

All right, run 2-1, or 1-1. You will already be running a 2-1 or 3-1 Blaze/chomp, so a 2-1 is the biggest you should get. You also have supporter pokemon so...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I don't think you want to cloud up your shuppet list with a bunch of techs. Spiritomb may work, but you really want to get T1 shuppet everytime, and the consistant damage is what makes shuppet a threat.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Umm I made a recent shuppet that also coincides with the deck formally known as is beast, and ironicly I don't always deck myself so it can stand up fairly well into T4. I have a lot of trouble beating it with most of my decks, it is a concideration for cities..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I got second. Zapdos MD might work, if you chance the flip.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

richkid50000 said:
odd deck but blaze lux and garchomp.
Actually that is not a strage deck. Run a 2-1 Blaze, 2-1 Luxray, and a 1-1 Chomp.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

i mean garchomp SV not C. mostly to counteract mewtwo and the now evil rapidash
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