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While Castform's castform swam in the universe gravy, it hugged cute-mew's Mew in the toilet.
While Castform's Castform swam in the universe's gravy, it hugged it's poo in the toilet.

Man this is getting crazy... ^ ^;;
While Castform's Castform swam in the universe's boxers, it killed mew's poo in the toilet.
Now THAT is just crazy...
While Castform's Castform swam in the universe's boxers, it kissed Mew's poo in the toilet.
While Castform's Castform swam in the universe's boxers, it kissed Mew's poo on the moon.

0_o (My thoughts exactly, I have a feeling this thread is going to be locked soon so enjoy it while it lasts.)
0_o means that something very strange happened.While Castform's Caterpie swam in the universe's boxers, it ate Mew's poo on the moon.
While Castform's Caterpie swam the universe's boxers, it poo-ed on the poo on the moon.

You changed 2 letters (lol)

While Castform's Caterpie swam the universe's boxers, it poo-ed on the charizard on the moon.
(real one) (keep it clean ppl)
While Pokefan4000's Caterpie swam in the universe's evil, it ate the Charizard on the moon.
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