Ruling Tentacruel LA vs. Metal Energy

Rhincodon Typus

O herro preesh
If Tentacruel LA uses Tentacle Strike, and attaches a (special) metal energy to a Metal-type Pokemon, will it do 20 damage or 10?
I'm guessing it 10 damage to active but 20 damage to pokemon on bench since special metal energy only work on active pokemon.
elway said:
I'm guessing it 10 damage to active but 20 damage to pokemon on bench since special metal energy only work on active pokemon.
Thats pretty cool, but is there more to be explained or is this just it?!?!{C}
elway said:
I'm guessing it 10 damage to active but 20 damage to pokemon on bench since special metal energy only work on active pokemon.

That's not true. :/
First off, someone's wrong. Metal Energy works anywhere on the field, not just if the Pokemon is Active.

As for the damage, my instinct says it does 10 damage. The effect of Metal Energy would activate as soon as it's attached. But I probably need to ask a higher source to be sure.
IMO, I think that the effect of attaching works first before doing the damage, so you end up doing 10 with one spec. metal energy.

P.S. Nowhere does it specify that only the active pokemon recieves the effect. Where did you even read that?