Tenth anniversary of 9/11

I would like you guys to help me with this if you do not mind. I am having a very hard time with this so please try and show some support rather than disregarding my accusations. I am sorry you are treating me this way but show your support rather than putting me down. I guess the stuff I am trying to say do not matter as I am trying my hardest and my best to tell you guys what is going on. From what I heard on ABC News and Good Morning America there was talks over dinner the night before of their plans. Please see my above post and please show support and try to help. We are here to help each other and support each other as a forum. At least try your best to help me find this out and where online. That is my center target right now is to find this out. Thanks.:(

EDIT: All Mods: I would like you guys to help me with this too. I am having a hard time with this as I know this did happen but I am not sure where to find it as it is hard and very difficult. I am trying to be civil and I am looking but I am looking in the wrong places I guess. Thanks.:(

Mods: If you find my posts are not the way they should be or there is too much arguing or if it is too much arguing I will delete my posts tomorrow night or the next time I am on. I do not want spam counts or anything added to my warning level or end up in jail again so no farther or do I would like you to PM me if they are too much for this thread or if they are good enough to stay. Thanks.:(
Under Bush we lost our budget surplus and got into two wars we couldn't afford. The economy tanked, education sucked wind, and all kinds of other things went wrong when he held the office. Some of this is an over-statement, sure, but come on -the guy was just as clueless as anyone else on what to do with all those problems. What on Earth makes you really believe a small man from Texas could do such a good job attacking his own country while being so terrible at everything else? He didn't need airplanes to ruin America.
Good Job Man. You are right about bush as the stuff he did was so bad that some of the stuff was so bad. What is your view about the dinner the night before? ^^ Do you think this was a possible happening or did this really happen? Thanks. Also can you try and find that part too about Bush and Bin Ladens plans over dinner? I know this happened but I can't find it.:(
You magically know it happened, but you can't find it. Story of my life.
Also guys, I found this video to be really emotional, but moving. I'd appreciate if you could watch. It really puts the whole "Dinner over 9/11" idea to shame. I really want to pick apart every little idiotic thing you've posted over the past 2 hours, but I'm just going to ignore it. Everyone knows you're wrong. Please stop babbling on about it.
PokeMedic said:
Under Bush we lost our budget surplus and got into two wars we couldn't afford.

3 Wars If you count Libya under Obama's current term. While I understand the United States being a "world police" to secure freedom and justice for everyone in the world especially those that treasure democracy and free speech, you can't always expect 1 country to shoulder the world's problems all by itself, not very many other countries are stepping up and it seems like countries are just trying to outcompete against eachother when we need to work together in the longrun.

PokeMedic said:
The economy tanked, education sucked wind, and all kinds of other things went wrong when he held the office. Some of this is an over-statement, sure, but come on -the guy was just as clueless as anyone else on what to do with all those problems.

It was because the U.S. Government was too focused on fighting overseas that over the course of a decade we've spent less time improving our country's infrastructure, economy, and national debt which we have yet to fix. While our country has been busy fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, countries like China improved their own country to where they are closer now to becoming a superpower.

PokeMedic said:
What on Earth makes you really believe a small man from Texas could do such a good job attacking his own country while being so terrible at everything else? He didn't need airplanes to ruin America.

...And what makes you think that a guy like Rick Perry could be any worse and he's running for U.S. President as we speak. If anything he's Bush on steroids yet for some reason he lacks the kind of leadership our country needs to get back on track and Mitt Romney is the only candidate so far that stands out like a sore thumb on that criteria. He has better experience in the private sector than Perry does yet he gets harshly critcized by both parties.
At this point, I really don't care if I get the mini-mod warning.

We're here to talk about 9/11, guys. If you people really want to laugh about xxashxx's conjectures, do it elsewhere. The fact that you're just arguing just gives the impression you're just trolling around here. Seriously. -_-
If I see anymore posts that are about bogus conspiracy theories, are insulting to those who lost their lives, or being just disrespectful, I will warn for flaming and trolling. If the problem continues, this thread will be locked.
THANK YOU, TDL. (Wow, I never thought I would have ever said that...well, there's a first for everything)

Back to what we're supposed to be discussing; I honestly haven't learned very much about 9/11 compared to what's out there. Even if you've heard the same stories dozens of times before, it just seems like there's no end to what you can find. It's...strange, I can't really describe it. But you guys know what I'm talking about, right?
Ice_Master said:
Pearl Harbor.

And how is that in anyway justification?

I was in 10th grade during 9/11. At the exact time, I remember being in ceramics class. However, I didn't hear about it until the next period in English when my teacher, who was already pretty crazy as it is, came rushing into the class and was spouting something about trade centers and planes. So he turned on the TV and kept saying how it's like a movie. We watched it for the entire period. However, the principal apparently told the teachers not to turn on the TVs or anything as to not scare the students/induce panic.

I had to take a bus home that day since my friend (who I usually went home with) and I got split up somehow. I just remember it being very quiet because of the lack of airplanes in the sky. When I arrived home, my mother and my friend were in the living room watching the news. It was a pretty scary day. It hit home to me because my dad is a firefighter. It still upsets me to think how many of them died that day,
I was in 3rd grade. I barely remember it. I was in school and our principal came on the intercom. I don't remember what she said or how I reacted, but I remember she was crying. My mom was supposed to be in New York that day. I think her flight home would have been that day. But a few days before my little brother had an asthma attack, so my mom came home early. The asthma attack was a blessing in disguise.

Something that I can not stand is when people disrespect or joke about 9/11. One girl was posting "joke" twin tower pictures on Sunday in my news feed, and it made me so mad. And then people were liking them. I can not believe how disrespectful some people can be. And another person saying that "not a single *care* will be given this day." Some people...
It was way back in 8th grade, I can't remember what class it was, it was probably second class... we were all bored and annoyed with school work until the teacher's radio changed into an urgent broadcast. Most of the students couldn't really hear what it was saying we managed to hear twin towers and planes... but the look on the teachers' face spelled the rest. They then got into some secret huddle and for some reason I can't remember the rest of that day... hard to believe that so many people died and it was real close. Came from our Airport too.

I think I read an article that this happened because one of the TSA Security couldn't speak English and failed to check one guy. It was in a recent newspaper... saying they only found this out 9 years after the incident...

Anyway I am actually relieved Osama Jr. didn't do anything out of revenge and terror for his dad going with the "America will live to always fear this day!". Hopefully he's not planning something even worse for next year or some other day...

Also Bush dwindling the economy has quite an effect on my life because it's made it super hard to find a good job. I was a stuck in a crap movie theater job for 4 years and then got fired and couldn't find a new job till a year later in retail and man, because of the times retail is just awful. Stingy customers moaning about every price and sale, Managers pushing to do more credit card apps or extra warranties for some extra store profit and if you didn't get those you'd be stuck with 4-12 hours for the week. You could not make much money with retail unless it was a super busy store. You got tons of nobodies and misfortunates claming unemployment and social security, they're also out to grab the decent jobs from you too by lying better than you.

Let's face it getting a good job is hard now. Even if you're out of College.
flygon222 said:
I was honestly looking forward for something to happen... well not exactly. That's the most reasonable way to put it. I was hoping it would happen at the time planned so I could just get it over with and not worry anymore, if they ever poison our water I will be devestated along with the rest of the United States. Atleast it's not WWIII and South Korea dropping nukes.

Why would South Korea drop nukes? I think you meant North.