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Terrakion/Ether deck

RE: darkrai/Hydreigon decklist

Run one copy of Giratina EX. It's amazing in this format. Shreds through Sigilyph and Dragon Pulse will 1HKO Terrakion. Also your consistency problem is probably in your 4 Skyla. 3 is the max that I would go if I were you. Also Dark Claw is better than Eviolite right now. Maybe run a 2-1 Dark Claw/Eviolite split. It will make you math add up a lot quicker on everything from sniping from Darkrai. Also ( I have no idea how you play this deck) but make sure your using Hydreigon's attack. Its killer in this format and the top players are using Dragon Blast multiple times a game. Also my preference is to only run 1 RR since you can junk hunt it. Getting a solid Junk Hunt loop going every game is key in getting a consistency and fast power out of this deck.
RE: Darkrai/Hydreigon

Let me throw up my new list, I've changed some stuff since mimicing luckygirl's darkai/hydreigon list. I do use hydreigon's attack because it really is devastating against the mirror and rayeels. Though if I ran giratina, there really isn't a need to do that. I was also playing around with energy search in this deck and no tools as they almost always wind up being a waste due to tool scrapper.
RE: Darkrai/Hydreigon

I would recommend that you at least try testing with Giratina EX and Dark Claw. Yes Tool Scrapper exists but its still worth it IMO. Crunch the numbers in your head for a little bit on what you can do with all the combinations of attacks for a little bit. I think you would be surprised at how much those 2 cards can boost your speed and power.

Giratina's Shred does 90. Makes quick and easy work of Sigilyph and does not care about eviolite. Dragon Pulse does 130 and 1HKOs the big bull. Your #1 enemy! Thats too good. Will also occasionally KO rouge benchsitters. (Gardevoir etc..)

Darkrai now does 110. That means 1 snipe and a Night Spear to KO Blastoise. 2 Snipes and a Night Spear on any 170 HP EX Pokemon.

Hydreigon stays the same in the sense that you should be attacking with it a few times a game. 140 is an amazing attack. And you can do all of this as soon as the Pokemon hits the field if Hydreigon and enough energy are in play. The math on all this adds up to quickly to ignore for me. Its worth thinking about as it has done very well in my experience.
RE: Darkrai/Hydreigon

I'm still goofing with my deck trying to find something that I really like so I'll try it out. I'll post after I try it. Thanks! And on the tool scrapper, I was specifically talking about eviolite, dark claw can have use before it can be scrappered.
RE: Darkrai/Hydreigon

Yeah they can be used well. Unless your playing Garbodor, opponents usually won't Skyla for Tool Scrapper so your tools will be fine unless they draw into it.
RE: Darkrai/mewtwo/bouffalant

bump, new decklist. I really like this deck list, but I would like to fit in tornadus ex and some eviolites for some massive damage. =) Any ideas?
RE: Terrakion ethers deck

Bump, New deck idea, Needs some help. Playtesting was alright, much better when I put a lunatone in for a terrakion. The prize denial was the best part though, terrakion being nearly as hard to KO as a regular ex, but only giving one prize.f
RE: Terrakion ethers deck

Okay cool decklist but there are a few mistakes. Three virbanks is way too many. You might need four since everybody will use them. EDIT: 4 Haha I meant 2.
-1 Virbank

I am not sure why you have 2 max potions? Not sure why you would allow yourself to discard the energies?
-2 Max Potion

Heavy Ball will search for terrakion... only. Ultra Ball can get you anyone so I prefer ultra ball in this deck.
-1 Heavy Ball
+1 Ultra Ball

N is way better than Cheren in this deck.
-2 Cheren
+2 N

The energies are too great in number try a few less.
-1 Fighting
-1 DCE

Okay you mentioned you want some help for ether which you must have or that card is worthless. Pokedex is the best for it you must run it with equal number in my opinion so...
Option 1
+4 Pokedex
-1 Enhanced Hammer
Option 2
+3 Pokedex
-1 Ether

I would have another supporter like juniper...
+1 Juniper (not colress or skyla)

You are currently missing an ace spec.
+1 Ace Spec (computer search, Dowsing machine, gold potion)

With option one with the pokedex that would be all the changes but with option two you have 1 more spaces. So I would add one switch cause in This deck with terrakion gets stuck alot!
(option 2 only) +1 Switch

Hope I Helped! :D Good Luck!
"Three virbanks is way too many. You might need four since everybody will use them."
"Heavy Ball will search for terrakion... only."
Heavy ball also searches for lunatone. I'm looking into more ultra ball, but having to discard extra cards when I could play level ball for riolu or heavy for my main attacker (terrakion) doesn't make much sense to me (this is also part of the reason that I play cheren, I have a very conservative playstyle). So ultra ball is really just for tornadus and lucario.

"You are currently missing an ace spec."
Scramble switch is an ace spec, though I was going to put in comp search anyway after play testing. Consistancy> 1 free max potion (also why I play max potion).

I'll try less cheren and more N or Colress (this deck, when I actually get the deck finished, should have a few bench sitters and most meta decks have a full bench most of the time) as the better draw cards.

About pokedex- I hadn't even thought about it, thanks! That would be the card that I was looking for. =)

I agree about the energies, I'll probably drop one or two (i'll want DCE for tornadus and lucario) basics and add pokedex of some combonation with other basics like tornadus ex/Landorus ex/terrakion.

With pokedex, I'd probably drop lunatone (obviously not as handy as pokedex, free prizes) out of my list too. Three virbanks can be important though, because I'm going to want to be able to play a virbank when I need to and not have to depend on someone else to put one on the field before I can maximize my lasers.
Yeah, I would definitely say that you helped. Thanks! :)
My bad, I meant two Virbank, IDK what I was saying about 4? Haha Just run 2.

I said drop one DCE and one Fighting because if you drop two fighting you significantly lower the probability of Pokedex/Ether working! So I would take one of both out. No lunatone.

The problem with colress is not the fact of how many BENCHED pokemon in play late game but how many BENCHED pokemon in the early game when you need supporters most. Example: If you draw you starting hand and you go first and both players have one active and no benched, Very common scenario so far, You have one supporter in your hand, what supporter would you prefer? Colress? NO it would let you draw very few (0 unless you placed a basic that turn) cards! But juniper or N Allow 6 or 7. I love Colress late game but the worry is about the begining in the most crucial time of the game. The time you need supporters most! I run 1 Colress in most my decks. (Rayeels=2) But it is your deck so do what you prefer. Glad I Helped! :D