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Terrakion / Landorus / Groudon-EX


Aspiring Trainer
3 Terakion (Noble Victories)
3 Landorus
2 Groudon EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin
Total: 11

4 Professor Juinper
4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
3 N
2 Switch
3 Pokemon Catcher
4 EXP Share
2 Crushing Hammer
2 Lost Remover
2 Pokegear 3.0
1 Black Belt
1 Super Rod
2 Ruins of Alph
Total: 37

10 Fighting
Total: 12


Strategy: Start off with Landorus to start spreading damage turn 2, Terakion is to OHKO any Lightning or Dark Pokemon, Groudon for Heavy Hitting, and Mewtwos for Mewtwo Wars, Ruins of alph is used if you're facing Tornadus or Tornadus EX so it doesn't have resistance so it's easier to KO, and the rest is pretty self explanitory

Leave and suggestions to improve this deck down below
RE: Terakion/ Landorus/ Groudon EX

This is something small but a Black Belt could help in a few cases. You could OHKO a non-Eviolited Tornadus with Ruins-of-Alph in play. Also, 4 Dual Ball and 3 Heavy Ball is a bit too much. Only 7 draw support is a little low. Add more draw support like N/Copycat or Random Receiver to increase your odds of topdecking the supporter when it is most needed.
RE: Terakion/ Landorus/ Groudon EX

-1 terrakion (seems like. 3 is enough )
-2-3 heavy ball (I think dual ball may be enough. 4 dual ball and 3 heavy ball just seems too much)

+2-3 N (for mor e draw power. Good hand refreshment and disruption)
RE: Terakion/ Landorus/ Groudon EX

Took out the heavy balls for N's and I like the idea of black belts in this deck but I don't know what to take out
RE: Terakion/ Landorus/ Groudon EX

I would take out the Revive for Black Belt. You already have Super Rod.
RE: Terakion/ Landorus/ Groudon EX

I do not think that Black Belt is necessary, but when you are playing any sort of Terrakion deck, it helps because you get a slow start. 1 should be enough.
I had that same deck idea. Anyway, changes I would make to the deck are.
-1 or 2 Terrakrion (I'd try to focus on the Landorus spread and Groudon EX follow up more)
-1 PONT (make it an extra Juniper)
-1 Switch (I think 2 is plenty)
-2 Crushing Hammer (I think the flip just isn't worth the space)

+1 Juniper (to get energy in the discard for Landorus easier)
+1 Shaymin UL (you wanted to find space for it. So, here ya go :p)
+1 or 2 Plus Power (so Landorus and Terrakion can OHKO Zekrom EX)
+2 Fighting Energy (Landorus and Groudon EX need more energy to attack then just straight Terrakion)
If you'd like to keep the CH's in, then take out 1 Fighting Energy and Shaymin.
I hope this was helpful. Good luck with testing b^_^d
i decided to take out one switch and 1 terrakion for the juniper and shaymin, i like PONT to much to only run 3 so i'm keeping it at 4, and i think i'm gonna keep crushing hammer in there for now but if i feel it isn't needed i'll switch it for some plus powers
I would cut a DCE. You only really need 2 because only 2 of your pokemon use DCE. You could use another Fighting IMO.
i relized today when i was sleeving this deck that i had 2 extra cards in the deck, guess i must've counted wrong, so i took out a DCE and a PONT
RE: Terrakion / Groudon-EX

p0k3m0n81 said:
3 Terakion (Noble Victories)
2 Groudon EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Tonadus (Pouvoirs Emerents )
Total: 8

3 Professor Juinper
2 N
1 Copycat
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Switch
3 EXP Share
2 Evoluroc
2 Double Ball
2 Echange d'Energy
2 Recherche d'Energy
2 Random Receiver
2 Plus Power
2 Ultra Ball
1 Enhanced Hammer
1 Super Rod
Total: 38

11 Fighting
1 Energy Rescousse
Total: 14


Stratégie : Commencez avec Goudon EX pour étendre les dégâts sur les pokemon de l'adversaire, Terakion doit être chargé quand t'on pokemon actif est mit KO, pour faire l'attaque RETALIATE pour 2 Energy ce qui fait 30 + 60 = 90 domages,( Terrakium comme Goudon Ex sont supers forts contre: les Pokemon Foudre ou les Pokemon Sombre). Mewtwo est efficasse contre Mewtwo, il t'aidera contre les tornadus EX qui on souvent un evoluroc sur eux ( faiblesse foudre x2 resistance Fighting -20). Tornadus t'aide a déplacer une energy de base sur un de t'es pokemon de banc( l'attaque fait 80 domages et tu deplace une energy de base n'importe lequels de t'es pokemon de banc)

Si vous avez des suggestions pour l'améliorer, dites moi.
Merci :p

ps: Ce deck est arriver 21 / 110 au tournois de FRance. Je suis le 21eme Meilleur joueur de FRANCE. C'estai ma 1ére année.

3 Terakion (Noble Victories)
2 Groudon EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Tonadus (Pouvoirs Emerents )
Total: 8

3 Professor Juinper
2 N
1 Copycat
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Switch
3 EXP Share
2 Evoluroc
2 Double Ball
2 Echange d'Energy
2 Recherche d'Energy
2 Random Receiver
2 Plus Power
2 Ultra Ball
1 Enhanced Hammer
1 Super Rod
Total: 38

11 Fighting
1 Energy Rescousse
Total: 14


Stratégie : Commencez avec Goudon EX pour étendre les dégâts sur les pokemon de l'adversaire, Terakion doit être chargé quand t'on pokemon actif est mit KO, pour faire l'attaque RETALIATE pour 2 Energy ce qui fait 30 + 60 = 90 domages,( Terrakium comme Goudon Ex sont supers forts contre: les Pokemon Foudre ou les Pokemon Sombre). Mewtwo est efficasse contre Mewtwo, il t'aidera contre les tornadus EX qui on souvent un evoluroc sur eux ( faiblesse foudre x2 resistance Fighting -20). Tornadus t'aide a déplacer une energy de base sur un de t'es pokemon de banc( l'attaque fait 80 domages et tu deplace une energy de base n'importe lequels de t'es pokemon de banc)

Si vous avez des suggestions pour l'améliorer, dites moi.
Merci :p

ps: Ce deck est arriver 21 / 110 au tournois de FRance. Je suis le 21eme Meilleur joueur de FRANCE. C'estai ma 1ére année.