Terraphan- Tanking a Format near you!!!


Aspiring Trainer


Terrakion – Fighting – HP130
Basic Pokemon

[F][C] Vengeance: 30+ damage. If any of your Pokemon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack during your opponent’s previous turn, this attack does an additional 60 damage.
[F][F][C] Land Crush: 90 damage.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4


Eviolite – Trainer

Pokemon Tool: To use a Pokemon Tool attach it to one of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon can only have 1 Pokemon Tool card attached to it.

Any damage received by the Basic Pokemon that this card is attached to is reduced by 20.

You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.


Rocky Helmet – Trainer

Pokemon Tool: To use a Pokemon Tool attach it to one of your Pokemon. Each Pokemon can only have 1 Pokemon Tool card attached to it.

When the Pokemon that this card is attached to is your Active Pokemon and receives damage from an opponent’s Pokemon’s attack, place 2 damage counters on the Pokemon that used the attack.

You can use any number of Trainer cards during your turn.

So what are everyones thoughts? Could this combo work once we receive the red collection in the US?
Pretty good combo! The best part is that water can no longer easily destroy this deck because Terrakion has grass weakness. This deck may see a lot of play when terrakion comes out.
I kinda of like this idea, an Evolited Terrakion would be kinda bothersome to kill, and Donphan is already a strong main attacker. The fact that they have different Weakness is beautiful, and also that Evolite reduce Earthquake damage is an awesome plus. Anyways I will pitch some ideas.

I would consider looking into play a Shaymin UL or two, making it so that it is very easy to move your energy off whichever tank may be dying. This makes it easy to be able to focus on building up Donphans and using Earthquake, but you are also able to move energy instantly to a Terrakion, which could give you a knock out that could cripple your opponent since they will not be excepting it.

Ruins of Alph is going to be a must, otherwise you are going to have nothing for Yanmega. Don't even bother with Terrakion if you are paired against a deck like Megaplume. The cool thing about Ruins of Alph with this combo is that with a Rocky Helmet Donphan, if they attack it, you can kill it the next turn with Heavy Impact. Earthquake being able to two shot a Yanmega is crucial as well.

Ok, another card that could go beautifully with Shaymin would be Seeker. The title of this thread says that this deck is suppose to tank correct? Well, could you imagine moving three energy off of a Donphan or Terrakion to a undamaged Pokemon, then playing a Switch and Seekering off like 100 damage? It would be pretty awesome.

I think I am going to make a list, cause I don't have much else to do right now.

4-4 Donphan Prime
3 Terrakion
2 Shaymin
4 More back up attacker, Dragons? Zoroark? Bouffalant? Yanmega?
1 Smeargle
Pokemon: 18

4 Pokemon Reversal (Catcher, whatever)
4 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Evolite
3 Rocky Helmet
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Seeker
3 Switch
2 Professor Juniper
1 Ruins of Alph
T/S/S: 33

9 Fighting Energy
6 Fighting
3 DCE (depending on whether or not you are playing Dragons.)
Energy: 9
I think Zekrom could fit in this deck really well for a couple of reasons. One, it can benefit from Eviolite, turning it into a tank as well. Two, it hits yanmega, this decks biggest opponent, for super-effective damage. Also, with Eviolite attached, the heavy hitters will usually fall short on KOing Zekrom and leave it with a lot of damage but still alive so it can hit with heavy outrages. Also, if you decide to tech Rainbow/Lighting energy you can use Bolt Strike in combination with rocky helmet to guarentee the KO on the pokes in the 130s and 140s (dragons, musketeers, stage 2s).
Eh. The secret rares in the next set are quite terrible. Terrathingy is no exception. Still costs 3 energy and it can't KO much yet. The Revenge attack is too expensive and still only does 90, not KOing nearly as much as it should. I think just Reshiram or Zekrom will find better uses for the Evolites.

The Spike Helmet (it's totally a Mettool helmet btw) with Donphan however is an excellent idea if you like that sort of deck.
I'd like to say that Terrakion having a grass weakness makes it a lot better to include with Donphan than otherwise. And the fact that it can use Eviolite helps a lot; and then you consider that it can be used with Rescue Energy (not a big deal since it's a Basic, but still, it matters). That 90 damage after your Donphan is KO'd does make a huge difference, like it or not. I think this card could help DD a lot.
I would include Terrakion as a tech rather than a main attacker in the deck. I would personally use it with Donphan, Zoroark, Zekrom, and Reshiram. That way evolite doesnt just have to be a tech for Terrakion, but also for the Dragons and it doesnt divert away from the main focus of the deck
thefleeee said:
I would include Terrakion as a tech rather than a main attacker in the deck. I would personally use it with Donphan, Zoroark, Zekrom, and Reshiram. That way evolite doesnt just have to be a tech for Terrakion, but also for the Dragons and it doesnt divert away from the main focus of the deck
Why the heck you wanna weaken the dragons by having lesser dmg counters for outrage?
Well you run both tools. Generally, Rocky Helmet it the better play for Dragons, but in certain situations you may need to Eviolite one to keep it from getting KO'ed. It's just nice to have as a tech for different circumstances.
I like the fact that they have separate weaknesses, that makes it a lot easier to work with.

Also, the promo Terrakion with Sacred Sword is also a viable option for hitting harder, although generally a stable 90 for 3 is pretty good. Did everyone forget about Serperior? A 1-1-1 line would already increase your longevity; a 2-2-2 line would be unstoppable.
blaZofgold said:
Did everyone forget about Serperior? A 1-1-1 line would already increase your longevity; a 2-2-2 line would be unstoppable.

Catcher anyone? I'm sorry, but bench sitters like serperior won't work.
Serperior can retreat you know, it only has like 1 retreat cost and 130 HP. It's worth the shot.
Not really because when you say "the slot" I think that you mean 8 cards. A 2-1-2 Serperior line is probably the smallest line that you would want to play because there is no longer any prize search, and if you ever want to get it out, you are going to have to do it with Rare Candy, otherwise it will get Reversal killed while it is still a Snivy. So you are going to need to be playing at least 3 Candy, taking up 8 card spaces, which is almost a 6th of your deck. Let's talk consistency, it is the only thing that makes Donphan good, so I think a bulky 8 card tech is a no go, even if it were to do something that was actually good.
Well, I mean like running it like a Nidoqueen. I've seen Nidoqueen teched as a 1-1-1 line before, and it's perfectly OK. Serperior has even less retreat than Nidoqueen as well.

Catcher might discourage it, but its a worthy try.
back to the "tanking" theory, to further utilize shaymin, use 2-4 max potion. the look on their face when you discard 100 damage and no energy (or pokemon tools) and are still able to tank will be priceless.

on another note, this needs a way to deal with vileplume/muk. with every big attacker having 4 retreat, switch isnt always going to cut it.