
I've seen textbooks with silly grammar, like the wrong use of "their" and "there."
The incorrect spelling of Massachusetts and Mississippi.
Mixing up "he" and "she" when talking about a person.

Oh, and math books are the worst. I can't tell you how many times I've done a problem from a textbook and driven myself and my teacher insane attempting to figure out how I possibly could have gotten the wrong answer, only to realize that the book itself was wrong.

The only flaw I noticed there, hatedisc, is the fact that the UK and Ireland are united.

Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Macedonia are all grouped together into a single country.

Moldova is not part of Romania.

They left out Liechtenstein (tiny country between Switzerland and Austria).

Denmark is the same color as Germany, suggesting that they are one country.

Switzerland is the same color as Italy, suggesting that they are one country.

Corsica (the uppermost island in the Mediterranian) is actually a French territory but is the same color as Italy.

It has Czechoslovakia, which was divided into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Turkey is in the wrong spot. It's floating in the Black Sea when it should be attached to Greece and Bulgaria. Plus, only a tiny piece of Turkey is part of Europe.

A small portion of upper Poland should be labeled as part of Russia...in fact, where is Russia?
Well, at the end of the year, we always look through our textbooks for drawings and such. Then, we need to write the things on a paper.

I finished pretty early, so I decided to start drawing in the book myself. Once I was done, I wrote on my paper
"And, a pretty picture of a Skitty on page 886..."

Good times.