The Assassin's Super Spriting Shop

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I've returned
The Assassin's Super Spriting Shop

Well I have learned how to some really good recoloring with DPPT sprites so I feel that it is time for me to test out my skills. If you want a fusion/recoloring, post your requirments and I will try to get it to you in under 72 Hours.

1. What pokemon do you want to be your base pokemon in the picture?
2a. What other pokemon do you want fused in?
2b. What colors from which pokemon do you want on your base pokemon?

My Rules:
You must give me credit for it or I will have you to remove it.
You must say please. :p

Here are some examples of my work. I prefer to do recolorings:
Regigigas + Magmortar

Altaria + Milotic + Mismagmius

Salamence + Latios + Rayquaza + Shiny Charizard

I'd like a Shiny DP Rayquaza with Shiny Origin Form Giratina wings and a Shiny Rayquaza color scheme. Yeah, that's all I can think of now and I might update with some cool new idea.

Edit: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase?
Renzo said:
I'd like a Shiny DP Rayquaza with Shiny Origin Form Giratina wings and a Shiny Rayquaza color scheme. Yeah, that's all I can think of now and I might update with some cool new idea.

Edit: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase?

oh ok. lol i'm working on it right now. :p EDIT: ok so i think it needs to be a little more detailed. lol it looks ok but i feel that it could you some recoloring and maybe a few more add ins, would you like that or would you just like the rayquaza with wings? lol
Hmm... could you just have the fuse and then add something else with your imagination? I'd like to see your work both on the basic fuse and the improv.
1. What pokemon do you want to be your base pokemon in the picture?
2a. What other pokemon do you want fused in?
Rayaquaza and Arceus
2b. What colors from which pokemon do you want on your base pokemon?
A shint rayquaza and a normal Arceus

Edit: Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeeee
lol oh ok i'll be able to finish your's Renzo about tomorrow due to an essay i have to write today. and same goes for any other requests :p
sorry guys about the inactivity, i have the first two peoples done allready, i just have to drag them on to photobucket :p and i'll start yours now k gengar?

EDIT: I Present Delta with his Metaquazar God:


enjoy. I also added in a green plasma ball to add to the sprite :p

I now present Renzo with his GiraQuaza.

enjoy :) I added in a seviper tail to add to the "sharp" look.
Delta said:
Wow Thanks, I love it
Anytime. :)

and I present Gengar the son with his Ghostlax:

It was really bland with just gengar and gligar so i added Dusknoir's stomache face thing onto snorlax and I thhought you like it :) enjoy.
Hey can I join your shop, I kinda like spriting myself and heres some of my work:


Delta said:
Hey can I join your shop, I kinda like spriting myself and heres some of my work:


The more the merrier :p do you want to follow the same guidlines as mine or do you have your own list? :)
I like to follow the shops owner's rules, I thanks for accepting
1. What pokemon do you want to be your base pokemon in the picture?
2a. What other pokemon do you want fused in?
the three legendary dirds.
2b. What colors from which pokemon do you want on your base
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