Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because :> Back to Dusknoir animated sprite I go!
Blah237 said:
Banned because an angel made your avatar.

Double banned because you obviously kidnapped that angel and forced her to do your bidding.

Triple banned because you are under arrest.

Quadruple banned because not really.

Quintuple banend because safariblade's sig is hilarious.
Banned because the angel is male and he's watching us all...
Banned because me too. Maybe. I'm not sure which was my best. But everyone talks about the green hair girl.
safariblade said:
Banned because me too. Maybe. I'm not sure which was my best. But everyone talks about the green hair girl.

Banned because go back to the gengar one. That's the one I remember you with before, and the most popular IMO
Banned because I've had so many avatars, that I can't remember my best. Although I have a good idea which one.

Darkvoid57 said:
Banned because I have gone back to the awesomest avatar I've ever had

Banned because the memories are fun! It's best this way. :D <3
safariblade said:
Banned because me too. Maybe. I'm not sure which was my best. But everyone talks about the green hair girl.
Banned because hmm. I don't remember much before the Dragonite, and 'I collect Dragonites'. xD
But I know there were some good 'uns before then.
ramsey1993 said:
What would be my old avatar be? I had a lot lol
Banned because I've forgotten. :/
Doubly banned because Afro had the Shiny Rayquaza Xous avatar for a while.
I remember when I used to use this avatar, double banned because I don't think it fits me at all. =P

Edit: Banned because I just read the above post, double banned because I guess P0KEVORTEX beat me to it.
Banned because I'm listening to Owl City.
Double banned because Owl City is my favorite Pop artist ever~ ^.^
Afro-G said:
I remember when I used to use this avatar, double banned because I don't think it fits me at all. =P

Edit: Banned because I just read the above post, double banned because I guess P0KEVORTEX beat me to it.

Banned because keep it, it brings back memories :)

Double banned because as of today, I now declare this to be


Everyone switch back to a previous avatar that most people would remember

Bring back the memories :)
Banned because I wonder if my avatar of that ice trainer is still on my computer. But, I'm not changing from Shelgon just because.
Banned because I'm in love...

Double banned because I'm also in love with my avy and sig this week :3
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