Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because that made me laugh ^^^^^^^
Double banned ebcause the collar thing for "Zyflair's" avatars was already explained... by me.
Banned because I am obsessed with finding a perfect avatar and signature. Although my current ones are good.
Banned for tmi?
Double banned because I'm 27 pokemon away from completing my white version national dex!!! To all the people who said i couldn't.... U Mad?
Hatman said:
Banned because I liek it hard. Afro lieks it harder.
Banned because what are you referring to? Double banned because I like things that are hardjust in general. :I

ramsey1993 said:
Banned for tmi?
Double banned because I'm 27 pokemon away from completing my white version national dex!!! To all the people who said i couldn't.... U Mad?
Banned because awesome! Double banned because I'm always impressed when people complete their national Pokedex.
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