Finished The Ban Game

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Banned for banning the person, who banned the person, who banned the person who thinks that it would take too long.


EDIT: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! ninja'd :/
Banned because :O! Thank you very much for your very kind comment. :) I really do appreciate that. :)
Banned because your reason for banning P0KEVORTEX is irrational. Double-banned because pi is also irrational. Triple-banned because you can't compute pi to more than 4,632,673 decimal places.
Banned because all I know of pi is 3.141592. Double banned because you are trying to sound really inteligent by saying 'irrational'.
Banned because everyone's goal on PokeBeach(through my eyes) is to:

-be smart and rational(DNA)
-be funny(bacon)
-be popular (Darkvoid57)
-be a mod.(dmaster)

That's just the way I see it.
Double banned because I don't care for being anything like that(except a little bloody).
Banned because you picked DarkVoid57 as popular, and double banned because you want to be bloody.
Banned because you, Afro, should be the one for the popular category, but it's not your goal, it's a fact. Double banned because neither of you have posted recently on H&H.
Banned because I only first came to know about Afro through count to 50. Double banned because I don't know any members who like blood more than me. Triple banned because if there is, tell me so I can kill hug them. Quadruple banned because I like pillow fights when the tables are turned.
Banned because I'm going to sleep soon because I'm tired, even though it's only 4:12 PM here on the east coast.
Banned because you, Afro, should be the one for the popular category, but it's not your goal, it's a fact. Double banned because neither of you have posted recently on H&H.
Thanks for the complement =), and I haven't been posting because Krookodile's gone, I don't want to pick a new favorite, and no matter which side I help it probably won't make a difference.

Banned because you live on the East Coast. (I do too =D)
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