Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because nobody has posted for a day in my RPG and I need more contribution from them.
Playerking95 said:
Banned because I don't think that's weird at all.
Weird probably wasn't the right word....

Banned because there's a Heatran on your banner.
Banned because I will be sending Quiz 2 tomorrow - it's been a busy day today. Double banned because your local time is 5 hours earlier than mine.
Banned because I am doing homework.
Double banned because my friend called me.
Triple banned because I haven't been on in along time.
Quadruple banned because I am very bored.
Banned because you quadruple banned someone and double banned because I just went for a walk and got soaked.
Banned because ohmygod, SL. <3

PM me, bro. I haven't seen you online in forever. D:
Banned becaue you has returned.
pokemonjoe said:
banned because ? (^)

antler the hunter said:
banned because i gonna try 10 banning. double banned because my time is wrong on this website. triple banned because i am the most active member in 2 threads. 4 banned because afro-g is the last post i see on here. 5 banned because i question if magma ruby and sea sapphire will come out. 6 banned because i hope this is alwoed. 7 banned because i'm getting tired. 8 banned because i have terrible spelling. banned because i want to do this to my computer::smashcomp. 10 banned because i been temporarily banned from here twice. 11 banned because i did it :p

Banned because look at this.
Banned because I found my Scizor Prime that I lost, that was in a trade, which I paid to have replaced. FML

Double banned because I now have 8 primes.
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