Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because some people need to realize that white text doesn't work. All you have do is tilt your vision of the screen a little so the colors change. Double banned because there are some shades that work better.
Darkvoid57 said:
Banned because I'm depressed.
Banned because I doubt you're seriously depressed, (I apologize if you are....) double banned because you asked me to put you on my friends list, triple banned because I'm not on your friends list, but safariblade is on there twice spelled two different ways. o_O

Banned because I took to long trying to ban DarkVoid so I have to ban you, double banned because you said "very" twice.
Banned because I think I'm gonna make a Pokebeach group called "Team why do people always capitalize our names? >8(" consisting of me and 42chocolate.

ShadowLugia said:
Banned because you didn't type "EDIT: Ninja'd"
Lol, I didn't really get ninja'd. I didn't edit because I felt like posting torwad DarkVoid anyway. This game is weird like that....

Banned because you can always count on me to spell your name right. =)
Banned because you have been added to my friend list

Double banned because what do you mean by, "I bet you're not really depressed"

Triple banned because, feeling "depressed", is an emotion.

Quadruple banned because I'm not happy with anything going on right now.
Banned because your sig is cut off. Double banned because you're desperate to be Afro-G's friend. Triple banned because your usertitle is only two characters. Quadruple banned because I'm banning you too much. Quintuple banned because I didn't have to look up quintuple. Sextuple banned because I did have to look up sextuple. Septuple banned because I'm gonna get ninja'd. Octuple banned because I lost the game. Nonuple banned because I'm done.

Banned because I don't think DarkVoid is "desperate" to be my friend, and double banned because I don't think he would say anything if we weren't already "sort of" friends.
Banned because we are friends whether you know it or not , I'm just not on your list.

Double banned because the above statement void's sillykyle's claim of my "desperacy", if thats a word.
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