Banned because suddenly all the mods are checking Dark Jirachi's profile. WAY TO GO ._.

:,(Shinx107 said:Banned because 6-Dimension's avatar scares me.
Banned because is that picture from Look At Me Now or something like that? I recognise it from something music-y. Doubly banned because my Fakémon is completely new and probably original.6-Dimension said::,(Shinx107 said:Banned because 6-Dimension's avatar scares me.
Banned because Shinx107 made Busta Rhymes cry.
Banned because you just accused someone of killing Joeypals!! double banned because people were well aware of the Joeypals!! situation before P0KEVORTEX said anything and triple banned because you just admitted that it was Joeypals!! which means he definitely should be banned for having multiple accounts.Arceus Of Heaven said:Banned because you use a 0 instead of an O in your username. Double-banned because you killed Joeypals!! again. Triple-banned because you removed quality work (The Heatran banner, I thought it was very cool...) from your signature.