Finished The Ban Game

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RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I want to go to Best Buy again soon.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you have lost all kindness I have given you and I may have given you in the future, Guy. Double banned because I read the rules.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for saying you'll bonk Guy89 for being a god knows what.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you got modkilled in WW.

edit: Banned for being a higher ranked super mod than me.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

^Banned because uhhhh you have a Facebook account! :O Oh snap....
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned because you have a G in your afro....or is your afro a G
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because 4+4 obviously equals 9. Duh!

EDIT: Ninja'd!
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because Zero told me to modkill Joey.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

^banned because i saw Zero at my cities
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you like giratina
Ninja'd: Banned because your scary avatar still scares me.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned for wrecking rock wrecker :p
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you like groundon.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned because meinshao is owning everything on the battle subway
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I must color for my homework.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you modkilled 3 people in WW even though they deserved it the way..why no wild Tauros?
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