Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because you are one of the younger mods, though not the youngest. Double banned because I made this
Banned because I'm still thinking about getting a Banner from InfinityFangX, double banned because I'll probably wait too long and miss my chance. =P
Banned because I'd ask for one while you can, although he InfinityFangX must be super busy.
Double banned because Salamence is breathing Confetti.
Banned because I realized that when I saw you on Skype, double banned because that pony has a scary smile.... o_o
Banned because I don't get it either. Doubly banned because I didn't have a chance to go on here earlier - on my iPod, it said something about not connecting to the server, and yet the rest of the internet was fine. This looks like a problem for DE.
Banned because Chariblaze was having the same problem. Double banned because the ponies are embodiments of awesomeness.
Banned because that didn't really answer anyone's questions.
Double banned because why does it even matter?
Banned because you have 999 posts, and doubly banned because I PM'd you about it. :)

EDIT: Banned for ninja'ing me and doubly banned for not helping your favourite, Weavile, in H&H.
Banned because where did you find Joeypals!!?

Double banned because you haven't made a video lately

Triple banned because, "How did 3 Gengar Prime suddenly appear on my trading thread? :O :O :O "
Banned because you're confused. Double banned because if you don't know about the incident with Dark Jirachi, Darkvoid, you should PM me. I'm not bringing it up again.
Banned because I knew about that before anyone else.

Double banned because Joey told me the plot first :3
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