Finished The Ban Game

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ShadowLugia said:
Banned because tell me if my signature is making your browsers run slowly, I wouldn't want that to happen.
Double banned because comment on my new signature banner. :D
Banned because it's awesome!
Doubly banned because I'll never get braces!
Triply banned because DNA is pretty epic.
Banned because looking back at it, the herd assimilation thing was sorta noobish. I'll contain it in the MLP thread from now on.
Banned because you guys better or you get to answer to a mod.
Hatman said:
Banned because you do a great job at creating realistic artwork.
Banned because thanks.
Afro-G said:
Banned because I'm still thinking about getting a Banner from InfinityFangX, double banned because I'll probably wait too long and miss my chance. =P
Banned because I know InfinityFangX's real name.
Darkvoid57 said:
Banned because I knew about that before anyone else.

Double banned because Joey told me the plot first :3
Banned because you should've reported it to the mods.
Banned for banning four different people in one post. ._.


EDIT: Banned because I just realized you banned Hatman twice which means you only banned three different people.
Banned because the way I see it, your edit was kind of like banning your self.
Banned because you should make sure not to give us a reason to ban you, and double banned because I'm going to go on Skype now.
Banned because mlouden03 just committed suicide in The Void, meaning that Darkrai has stolen two souls.
Banned because you don't care when someone just committed suicide. ._.
Double banned because the Pony thing is over.
Triple banned because everything can go back to normal at The Beach. :D
Banned because sillykyle! tends nt to care about RPGs (even Lasertag, where he can shoot people).
Banned because sillykyle! likes Werewolf, that's about it... double banned because I kind of forgot about Lasertag, triple banned because nothing has happened but the round should be ending soon.
Banned because I've not played Werewolf, but I am already in 4 RPGs, and me and BrOken are planning a new one.
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