Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because chellochello I couldn't think of anything either to say.But it's okay.
Banned because this entire page is pretty weird and double banned because it's too scary to share. =P

Edit: Ninja'd! Lots of activity on this page as well.
Banned because no one laughs at love! :mad: Double banned because AFro wont tell! and after i said i loved him! TRiple banned because im offened now
Banned because I have more quotes in my sig than you do and double banned because the scariness relates to all of the love.... o_O
Banned because you're not making this any clearer, Afro.
Double banned because you can tell me, I'm your friend. We're all your friends, here. This is a safe place.
Banned for putting on the therapist motif
Double Banned for sympathy
Triple banned for not changing your bio (I'm always on the forums, not chat)
Banned because I think the love we mean means friend love,not love love.Double banned because ramsey1993 changed his sig and now I feel awesome and loved.
Banned for thinking a taken guy(by his gf) would love another guy like that! Double banned because i love you all as my friends and family! Triple banned because made someone feels loved because of me!
Banned because ramsey and Snivylover555 are getting at what I'm talking about....
Banned because everyone keeps ninja'ing each other so its hard to keep anything straight.
Banned because you doubt yourself, Double banned because there is a girl out there who like you for you, not what you are on the outside, you just have to try to find her, she wont come to you. Triple banned because i spent 9 yeasrs chasing my girlfriend and she finally went out with me because she got to know me! Quad banned because good luck! and no one ever said its gonna come soon or be easy! %-banned because the things worth having are never easy chellochello. 6-banned for being a preacher lol
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