Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because the mods should let us one since it's my birthday. Double Banned because it won't come true. Triple Banned because Afro is gonna crash. Quadruple Banned because he is gonna get mad for me saying that he will crash it. Quint Banned because he would crash my awesome party thats not happening xD. Sixth Banned because yes you did Sillykyle! Seventh Banned because Guy89 would be creepy to have me as one of those friends. Octo Banned because this is my highest ban number ever. 9th Banned because I just topped my Octo banned! Deca Banned because people will complain about my Octo and 9th bannings. Banning of the 12th for ninjaing me. Friday the 13th banned because Friday will not be the 13th this month. 14th banned because an obese Pikachu would look really wierd o_O 15th banned because I have edit this post Twice now. 16th banned because I am done banning for now. 17th banned because I lied :p 18th banned because you made a O_O face. 19th banned because I probably angered someone. 20th banned because this post is long.
Banned because I have a limit of three bans per post. Double banned because I suggest it be a rule.
Banned because there were 29 pages on here whilst I was asleep. Did anything interesting happen?
Banned because yeah, you could say that.
Double banned because you should read over a couple of them.
Banned because from what I know, I missed chello quitting, a new Brony RPG and a good Count to 50 record.
Banned because thats about it. Oh yeah, and we voted you to Admin status, but since you weren't on at the time, and it was a one time thing, we couldn't promote you. :D
Banned because I read all 200 + posts that occured while I was asleep. Double banned (at Afro-G) for letting the members get to 80. Triple banned because I had to delete one post in this thread since I last read it. Quadruple banned because I noticed Ramsey got banned. Quintuple banned for me having a BRs today and tomorrow. Hextuple banned because I'm judging at them.
Hatman said:
Banned because thats about it. Oh yeah, and we voted you to Admin status, but since you weren't on at the time, and it was a one time thing, we couldn't promote you. :D

You are so funny, Hatman.

I actually ended up reading the whole 29 pages a few hours before you posted that, and I saw ramsey's outbreak too.

dragonexpert said:
Banned because I read all 200 + posts that occured while I was asleep. Double banned (at Afro-G) for letting the members get to 80. Triple banned because I had to delete one post in this thread since I last read it. Quadruple banned because I noticed Ramsey got banned. Quintuple banned for me having a BRs today and tomorrow. Hextuple banned because I'm judging at them.

Banned because was that one of ramsey's posts, by any chance? :D
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