Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I had fun pressing Daft Punk buttons today on the app. :D Doubly banned because what does OC stand for in this sense?
Banned because when I use the term OC I'm talking about Original Character.

Characters you use when you draw.
Banned because what are you, Wikipedia? Sheesh.
Double banned because I'm playfully joking.
Triple banned because I'm not, now that I think about it.
banned because i just announced my drop from the to busy atm...witht he pony RPG, grad, job offers, blah blah blah, but enough about me...
Single banned for it being Afro-G's birthday. Double banned because when I was in college when of my instructors gave me the nickname Mr. Google due to my rapid response time with the answer.
Banned because I made this:
Banned because it's only the beginning of the special day. :O Double banned because people keep talking about it.... o_o
Banned because I just had 1,000 PMs but I deleted 12. Double banned because I wish I had my unlimited PMs back.
Banned because I didn't know you've had unlimited PMs before, double banned because my sister is baking a cake. :O
Banned because bake she should. Doubly banned because I'd like to see this sister of yours. :D
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